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John Deere E330LC and E360 Excavator Operator's Manual (OMT401302X19)




US Dollar: $25.00

John Deere E330LC and E360 Excavator Operator's Manual is divided into different sections. Each section covers a specific component or system with detailed illustrations. A table of contents is placed at the beginning of each section. Pages are easily found by category, and each page is expandable for great detail. The printer-ready PDF documents work like a charm on all kinds of devices. This document is printable, without restrictions, contains searchable text, bookmarks, crosslinks for easy navigation.

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Category: Operator's Manual
Language: Spanish Portuguese Chinese English Russian
Published on 2020/02/13

Section 1-1: Safety—Safety and Operator Conveniences................48
  Safety and Operator Convenience Features................49
Section 1-2: Safety—General Precautions................51
  Information for Eurasian Economic Union Technical Regulations Compliance................52
  Recognize Safety Information................54
  Follow Safety Instructions................55
  Operate Only If Qualified................56
  Wear Protective Equipment................57
  Protect Against Noise................58
  Avoid Unauthorized Machine Modifications................59
  Control Pattern................60
  Inspect Machine................61
  Stay Clear of Moving Parts................62
  Avoid High-Pressure Fluids................63
  Work In Ventilated Area................64
  Avoid Static Electricity Risk When Refueling................65
  High Debris Applications................67
  In Case of Machine Fire................68
  Prevent Fires................69
  Clean Debris from Machine................70
  Prevent Battery Explosions................71
  Handle Chemical Products Safely................72
  Handle Starting Fluid Safely................73
  Decommissioning — Proper Recycling and Disposal of Fluids and Components................74
  Prepare for Emergencies................75
  Add Cab Guarding for Special Uses................76
Section 1-3: Safety—Operating Precautions................77
  Use Steps and Handholds Correctly................78
  Start Only From Operator's Seat................79
  Use and Maintain Seat Belt................80
  Prevent Unintended Machine Movement................81
  Avoid Work Site Hazards................83
  Keep Riders Off Machine................85
  Avoid Backover Accidents................86
  Avoid Machine Tip Over and Machine Damage................87
  Use Special Care When Operating................89
  Use Care When Swinging Machine................90
  Operate Boom With Care................91
  Avoid Power Lines................92
  Inspect and Maintain ROPS................93
  Operating on Slopes................94
  Use Special Care When Lifting Objects................95
  Travel Safely................96
  Prevent Acid Burns................97
  Add and Operate Attachments Safely................99
Section 1-4: Safety—Maintenance Precautions................100
  Park and Prepare for Service Safely................101
  Service Cooling System Safely................102
  Service Machines Safely................103
  Service Accumulator Systems Safely................104
  Use Proper Lifting Equipment................105
  Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating................106
  Make Welding Repairs Safely................107
  Drive Metal Pins Safely................108
Section 1-5: Safety—Safety Signs................110
  Safety Signs................110
Section 2-1: Operation—Operator’s Station................131
  Pedals, Levers, and Panels................132
  Engine Speed Dial................133
  Sealed Switch Module (SSM)................134
  Sealed Switch Module (SSM) Functions................135
  Left Control Lever................138
  Right Control Lever................139
  Pilot Enable Lever................140
  Opening Upper Front Window................141
  Alternative Exit Tool................143
  Removing and Storing Lower Front Window................144
  Opening Cab Door Window................145
  Unfolding and Folding Sunshade................146
  Opening and Closing the Roof Hatch................148
  Fire Extinguisher Mounting Location................149
  Cab Dome Light................151
  Adjusting the Mechanical Suspension Seat................152
  Adjusting the Air Suspension Seat—If Equipped................154
  Seat Heater—If Equipped................156
  Adjusting Armrest Height................157
  Operating the Radio................158
  Operating the Premium Radio—If Equipped................160
  Cab Heater and Air Conditioner................162
Section 2-2: Operation—Monitor Operation................164
  Primary Display Unit (PDU)................165
  Monitor—Runtime Screen................166
  Menu—Fuel Consumption................176
  Menu—Display Settings................177
  Menu—Job Timer................178
  Menu—Aux Hydraulics—If Equipped................180
  Menu—Machine Settings................182
  Menu—Machine Fan................185
  Menu—Camera—If Equipped................191
Section 2-3: Operation—Operating the Machine................192
  Before Starting Work................193
  Inspect Machine Daily Before Starting................194
  Battery Disconnect Switch................196
  Engine Break-In Period................197
  Starting the Engine................462
  Cold Weather Warmup................200
  Control Lever Operation................202
  Operating in Water and Mud................203
  Travel Pedals and Levers................204
  Parking the Machine................206
  Loading and Unloading for Transport................209
  Light-Duty Towing Procedure................211
  Controlled Load Lowering Device (CLLD)—If Equipped................215
  Lowering Boom—Hydraulic System or Engine Malfunction................217
  Hydraulic Circuit Pressure Release................219
  Installing Attachments................225
Section 3-1: Maintenance—Machine................227
  Required Emission-Related Information................228
  Diesel Fuel................229
  Lubricity of Diesel Fuel................231
  Handling and Storing Diesel Fuel................232
  Biodiesel Fuel................233
  Testing Diesel Fuel................234
  Supplemental Diesel Fuel Additives................235
  Fuel Filters................236
  Minimizing the Effect of Cold Weather on Diesel Engines................237
  Diesel Engine Break-In™ Oil................239
  Diesel Engine Oil — Tier 2 and Stage II................240
  Engine Oil and Filter Service Intervals — Tier 2 and Stage II Engines................242
  Diesel Engine Oil — Tier 3 and Stage IIIA................244
  Engine Oil and Filter Service Intervals—Tier 3 and Stage III Engines................246
  Diesel Engine Oil and Filter Service Interval for Operation at High Altitude—Stage III Engines................248
  Diesel Engine Coolant (engine with wet sleeve cylinder liners)................249
  Water Quality for Mixing with Coolant Concentrate................251
  Operating in Warm Temperature Climates................252
  Testing Coolant Freeze Point................253
  Disposing of Coolant................255
  Alternative and Synthetic Lubricants................256
  Lubricant Storage................257
  Mixing of Lubricants................258
  Hydraulic Oil................259
  Swing Gear Case Oil................261
  Track Drive Gear Case Oil................262
  Grease with Molybdenum Disulfide................264
Section 3-2: Maintenance—Periodic Maintenance................265
  Service Machine at Specified Intervals................266
  Check the Hour Meter Regularly................267
  Prepare Machine for Maintenance................268
  Fluid Analysis Program Test Kits and 3-Way Coolant Test Kit................269
  Hydraulic Hammer Attachment................270
  Service Intervals................272
  Required Parts................274
  Maintenance Legend................276
Section 3-3: Maintenance—As Required................279
  Check and Adjust Track Tension................280
  Check or Clean Track Frames................284
  Inspect or Replace Bucket Joint O-Rings................285
  Inspect or Replace Cab Fresh Air and Recirculating Air Filters................330
  Drain Auxiliary Fuel Filter Water Separator................287
  Drain Primary Fuel Filter................288
  Drain Final Fuel Filter................289
  Lubricate Cab Door Hinges................290
Section 3-4: Maintenance—Every 10 Hours or Daily................291
  Check Engine Oil Level................292
  Check Hydraulic Tank Oil Level................294
  Check Engine Coolant Level................296
  Check and Clean Air Filter Dust Unloader Valve................298
  Lubricate Bucket and Linkage................299
Section 3-5: Maintenance—Every 50 Hours................300
  Lubricate Boom, Arm, and Cylinders................301
  Lubricate Boom Cylinder Base Ends................303
Section 3-6: Maintenance—Initial 100 Hours................304
  Check and Adjust Track Shoe Cap Screw Torque................305
Section 3-7: Maintenance—Every 250 Hours................307
  Lubricate Swing Bearing................308
  Take Engine Oil Sample................309
Section 3-8: Maintenance—Every 500 Hours................310
  Drain and Refill Engine Oil and Replace Engine Oil Filter................311
  Replace Auxiliary Fuel Filter................314
  Replace Primary Fuel Filter................316
  Replace Final Fuel Filter................318
  Drain Water and Sediment From Fuel Tank Sump................320
  Check Swing Gear Pinion Grease Level................321
  Check Swing Gear Case Oil Level................322
  Check Track Drive Gear Case Oil Level................323
  Take Fluid Samples................324
Section 3-9: Maintenance—Every 1000 Hours................325
  Drain and Refill Swing Gear Case Oil................326
  Drain and Refill Track Drive Gear Case Oil................328
  Replace Cab Fresh Air and Recirculating Air Filters................330
  Replace Engine Air Filters and Dust Unloader Valve................331
  Lubricate Swing Gear Case Bearing................333
Section 3-10: Maintenance—Every 2000 Hours................334
  Replace Hydraulic Tank Breather Filter................335
  Replace Hydraulic Oil Return Filter................338
  Inspect and Clean Hydraulic Pilot Mesh Filter................340
  Clean Case Drain Screen Fittings................342
  Inspect Belt................343
  Adjust Engine Valve Clearance................344
Section 3-11: Maintenance—Every 4000 Hours................345
  Drain and Refill Hydraulic Oil................346
  Clean Hydraulic Tank Suction Strainer................350
  Clean Hydraulic Tank Magnetic Plug................352
  Replace Engine Crankshaft Damper................353
Section 3-12: Maintenance—Every 6000 Hours................354
  Drain and Refill Engine Coolant................355
Section 4-1: Miscellaneous—Machine................358
  Clean Machine Regularly................360
  Bleed Fuel System................361
  Do Not Service or Adjust Injection Nozzles or High-Pressure Fuel Pump................362
  Do Not Service Control Valves, Cylinders, Pumps, or Motors................363
  Precautions for Alternator and Regulator................364
  Store Batteries at Proper Temperature................365
  Handling, Checking, and Servicing Batteries Carefully................366
  Using Battery Charger................369
  Using Booster Batteries—24-Volt System................371
  Removing and Installing Batteries................372
  Replacing Batteries................374
  Welding on Machine................375
  Keep Electronic Control Unit Connectors Clean................376
  JDLink™ Machine Monitoring System (MMS)—If Equipped................377
  Check, Clean, and Tighten Battery Terminals................378
  Replacing Fuses................380
  Keep ROPS Installed Properly................385
  Remove and Install Halogen Bulbs................386
  Replacing Seat Belt................388
  Track Sag General Information................390
  Check Track Shoe Hardware................391
  Accessory Power Outlets................392
  Clean Cooling Package................393
  Clean Cooling Package Trash Screens—If Equipped................395
  Fill Fuel Tank................397
  Fuel Refill Pump Operation—If Equipped................398
  Check Air Intake Hose................400
  Clean the Crankcase Vent Tube................401
  Removing the Bucket................402
  Adjust Bucket Pivot End Play................404
  Replacing Bucket Teeth................406
  Replacing Bucket Side Cutters................408
  Clean Fuel Filler Neck Strainer................410
  Check Polycarbonate Roof Hatch—If Equipped................411
  Check Bolt-Nut Torque................412
  Hardware Torque Specifications................413
  Unified Inch Bolt and Screw Torque Values................414
  Metric Bolt and Screw Torque Values................416
Section 4-2: Miscellaneous—Operational Checkout................418
  Operational Checkout Procedure................419
Section 4-3: Miscellaneous—Troubleshooting................459
  Troubleshooting Procedure................460
  Software Update................461
  Hydraulic System................466
  Electrical System................468
Section 4-4: Miscellaneous—Storage................471
  Prepare Machine for Storage................472
  Preparing Machine after Storage................474
Section 4-5: Miscellaneous—Machine Numbers................476
  Record Product Identification Number (PIN)................477
  Record Engine Serial Number................478
  Record Travel Motor Serial Numbers................479
  Record Swing Motor Serial Number................480
  Hydraulic Pump Serial Number................481
  Keep Proof of Ownership................482
  Keep Machines Secure................483
Section 4-6: Miscellaneous—Specifications................484
  Engine Specifications................485
  Drain and Refill Capacities................486
  Machine Specifications................487
  Working Ranges................490
  Lift Capacity................492
  Eurasian Economic Union................499
  Machine Design Life................500
John Deere E330LC and E360 Excavator Operator's Manual (OMT401302X19)

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