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John Deere 3TNV86, 4TNV86, 3TNV88, and 4TNV88 Diesel Engines Workshop Service Component Repair Technical Manual (CTM120419)




US Dollar: $35.00

John Deere 3TNV86, 4TNV86, 3TNV88, and 4TNV88 Diesel Engines Workshop Service Repair manual with Electrical Wiring Diagrams (including maintenance, overhaul, disassembling & assembling, adjustment, tune-up, operation, inspecting, diagnosis & troubleshooting…) is divided into different sections. Each section covers a specific component or system with detailed illustrations. A table of contents is placed at the beginning of each section. Pages are easily found by category, and each page is expandable for great detail. The printer-ready PDF documents work like a charm on all kinds of devices. This manual contains high quality images, circuit diagrams, instructions to help you to maintenance, troubleshoot, diagnose, and repair. This document is printable, without restrictions, contains searchable text, bookmarks, crosslinks for easy navigation.

CTM120419 English - John Deere 3TNV86, 4TNV86, 3TNV88, and 4TNV88 Diesel Engines  (Worldwide Edition) Component Technical Manual.pdf
ctm120463 Spanish - Motores diésel 3TNV86, 4TNV86, 3TNV88 y 4TNV88 -: (Edición mundial)
ctm120428 French  - Moteurs diesel 3TNV86, 4TNV86, 3TNV88 et 4TNV88 -: (Édition mondiale)
ctm120429 German - Dieselmotoren 3TNV86, 4TNV86, 3TNV88 und 4TNV88 -: (Weltweite Ausgabe)
ctm120439 Italian - Motori diesel 3TNV86, 4TNV86, 3TNV88 e 4TNV88 -: (Edizione universale)
ctm120459 Russian - Дизельные двигатели 3TNV86, 4TNV86, 3TNV88 и 4TNV88 -: (Исполнение для всех стран)

Section 01: General Information................37
  Group 000: Safety................37
    Understand Signal Words................40
    Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines................41
    Avoid High-Pressure Fluids................42
    Avoid Hot Exhaust................43
    Avoid Static Electricity Risk When Refueling................44
    Construct Dealer-Made Tools Safely................46
    Decommissioning — Proper Recycling and Disposal of Fluids and Components................47
    Exhaust Filter Cleaning................48
    Follow Safety Instructions................49
    Handle Fluids Safely—Avoid Fires................50
    Handling Batteries Safely................51
    Illuminate Work Area Safely................53
    Install All Guards................54
    Live With Safety................55
    Practice Safe Maintenance................56
    Precautions for Welding................58
    Prepare for Emergencies................60
    Prevent Acid Burns................61
    Prevent Battery Explosions................63
    Prevent Machine Runaway................64
    Protect Against High Pressure Spray................65
    Protect Against Noise................66
    Recognize Safety Information................67
    Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating................68
    Replace Safety Signs................69
    Service Cooling System Safely................70
    Service Machines Safely................71
    Stay Clear of Rotating Drivelines................72
    Support Machine Properly................73
    Use Proper Lifting Equipment................74
    Use Proper Tools................75
    Wait Before Opening High-Pressure Fuel System................76
    Wear Protective Clothing................77
    Work in Clean Area................78
    Work In Ventilated Area................79
  Group 001: Engine Identification Information................38
    Engine Serial Number Plate Information................83
    Information Relative to Emissions Regulations................86
    Emissions Control System Certification Label................87
  Group 002: Fuels, Lubricants, and Coolants................38
    Diesel Fuel................91
    Diesel Fuel Additive Products................93
    Handling and Storing Diesel Fuel................94
    Lubricity of Diesel Fuel................95
    Testing Diesel Fuel................96
    Biodiesel Fuel................97
    Minimizing the Effect of Cold Weather on Diesel Engines................98
    Diesel Engine Oil................99
    Engine Oil and Filter Service Intervals................100
    Oil Filters................101
    Multipurpose Extreme Pressure (EP) Grease................102
    Lubricant Storage................103
    Mixing of Lubricants................104
    Alternative and Synthetic Lubricants................105
    Oilscan™ and CoolScan™................106
    Diesel Engine Coolant (engine without wet sleeve cylinder liners)................107
    Supplemental Coolant Additives................109
    Operating in Warm Temperature Climates................110
    Testing Diesel Engine Coolant................111
    Drain Intervals for Diesel Engine Coolant................112
    John Deere COOL-GARD™ II Coolant Extender................113
    Additional Information About Diesel Engine Coolants and John Deere COOL-GARD™ II Coolant Extender................114
Section 02: Repair and Adjustments................115
  Group 010: Engine Rebuild................115
    Check and Service Cooling System................126
    Check Air Intake System................128
    Check Electrical System................129
    Check Exhaust System................131
    Clean Engine................132
    Disconnect Turbocharger Oil Inlet Line................133
    Engine Assembly Sequence................134
    Engine Break-In................136
    Engine Disassembly Sequence................138
    Engine Repair Stand................140
    General Tune-Up Recommendations................141
    Install Engine Adapter on Repair Stand................142
    Install Lift Straps................144
    Lifting Procedure................146
    Overhaul Guidelines................147
    Safety Precautions................148
  Group 020: Cylinder Head and Valves Repair and Adjustment................115
    Closed Crankcase Ventilation System — Inspection................150
    Closed Crankcase Ventilation System — Installation................151
    Closed Crankcase Ventilation System — Removal................153
    Cylinder Block Top Deck — Cleaning and Inspection................155
    Cylinder Head — Cleaning and Inspection................156
    Cylinder Head — Flatness Check................157
    Cylinder Head — Installation................158
    Cylinder Head — Removal................162
    Cylinder Head Gasket — Inspection................164
    Glow Plug — Installation................166
    Glow Plug — Removal................168
    Glow Plug Bore — Cleaning and Inspection................170
    Push Rod — Cleaning and Inspection................171
    Push Rod — Installation................172
    Push Rod — Removal................173
    Rocker Arm Cover — Inspection................174
    Rocker Arm Cover — Installation................175
    Rocker Arm Cover — Removal................176
    Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly — Assemble................177
    Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly — Inspection................180
    Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly — Installation................182
    Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly — Removal................183
    Rocker Arm Shaft Assembly — Tear Down................184
    Valve — Cleaning and Inspection................186
    Valve — Clearance Adjustment................187
    Valve — Grinding................193
    Valve — Measurement................195
    Valve — Recess Measurement................197
    Valve Assembly — Installation................198
    Valve Assembly — Removal................202
    Valve Keepers and Valve Spring Retainer — Inspection................204
    Valve Guide — Cleaning and Measurement................205
    Valve Guide — Installation................206
    Valve Guide — Removal................208
    Valve Seat — Cleaning and Inspection................209
    Valve Seat — Grinding................210
    Valve Spring — Inspection and Measurement................212
  Group 030: Cylinder Block, Pistons, and Connecting Rods Repair and Adjustment................116
    Connecting Rod — Center-to-Center Bore Measurement................215
    Connecting Rod and Cap — Inspection................216
    Connecting Rod Bearing — Inspection and Measurement................217
    Connecting Rod Bearing — Inspection and Measurement (Rod and Crankshaft in Engine)................219
    Connecting Rod Cap Screw — Torque Procedure................221
    Cylinder Block — Cleaning and Inspection................222
    Cylinder Block — Honing and Boring................224
    Piston — Cleaning................226
    Piston — Inspection................227
    Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly — Assemble................229
    Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly — Installation................233
    Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly — Removal................236
    Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly — Tear Down................238
    Piston Cooling Orifice — Cleaning and Inspection................239
    Piston Cooling Orifice or Cap Screw Plug — Installation................240
    Piston Cooling Orifice — Removal................241
    Piston Height — Measurement................242
    Piston Pin and Bore — Inspection and Measurement................243
    Piston Pin and Bushing — Inspection and Measurement................245
    Piston Pin Bushing — Installation................247
    Piston Pin Bushing — Removal................248
    Piston Protrusion — Measurement................249
    Piston Rings — Inspection................251
    Piston Rings — Installation................256
    Piston Rings — Removal................258
    Piston Skirt — Measurement................259
  Group 040: Crankshaft, Main Bearings, and Flywheel Repair and Adjustment................117
    Crankshaft — End Play Check................262
    Crankshaft — Inspection................264
    Crankshaft — Installation................266
    Crankshaft — Removal................269
    Crankshaft Front Oil Seal — Installation................271
    Crankshaft Front Oil Seal — Removal................272
    Crankshaft Gear — Installation................273
    Crankshaft Gear — Removal................275
    Crankshaft Main Bearing — Installation................276
    Crankshaft Main Bearing — Oil Clearance Check................279
    Crankshaft Main Bearing — Removal................281
    Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap — Installation................282
    Crankshaft Main Bearing Cap — Removal................286
    Crankshaft Pulley — Installation................288
    Crankshaft Pulley — Removal................289
    Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal — Installation................290
    Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal — Removal................292
    Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing — Installation................293
    Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Housing — Removal................295
    Crankshaft Thrust Bearing — Inspection................296
    Flywheel — Inspection................297
    Flywheel — Installation................298
    Flywheel — Removal................300
    Flywheel Face — Flatness Check................302
    Flywheel Housing — Installation................303
    Flywheel Housing — Removal................306
    Flywheel Ring Gear — Installation................307
    Flywheel Ring Gear — Removal................308
  Group 050: Camshaft, Balancing Shafts, and Timing Gear Train Repair and Adjustment................118
    Balancer Shaft Housing — Installation................312
    Balancer Shaft Housing — Removal................315
    Camshaft — Check End Play................318
    Camshaft — Inspection................319
    Camshaft — Installation................320
    Camshaft — Removal................323
    Camshaft — Visual Inspection................325
    Camshaft Bushing — Installation................326
    Camshaft Bushing — Removal................328
    Camshaft Bushing and Bore — Measurement................329
    Camshaft Follower — Inspection and Measurement................331
    Camshaft Follower — Installation................333
    Camshaft Follower — Removal................334
    Camshaft Gear — Inspection................335
    Camshaft Gear — Installation................336
    Camshaft Gear — Removal................338
    Camshaft Journal — Measurement................339
    Camshaft Lobe — Height Measurement................340
    Camshaft Thrust Plate — Measurement................341
    Camshaft Timing Wheel — Installation................342
    Camshaft Timing Wheel — Removal................343
    High-Pressure Fuel Pump Gear Cover — Installation................344
    High-Pressure Fuel Pump Gear Cover — Removal................346
    Idler Gear — Inspection................347
    Idler Gear — Installation................349
    Idler Gear — Removal................352
    Timing Gear Cover — Installation................354
    Timing Gear Cover — Removal................356
    Timing Gear Housing — Installation................358
    Timing Gear Housing — Removal................360
    Timing Gears — Check Backlash................361
  Group 060: Lubrication System Repair and Adjustment................119
    Dipstick Tube and Dipstick — Installation................364
    Dipstick Tube and Dipstick — Removal................365
    Oil Cooler — Installation................366
    Oil Cooler — Removal................368
    Oil Filter — Installation................370
    Oil Filter — Removal................371
    Oil Pan — Installation................372
    Oil Pan — Removal................375
    Oil Pick-Up Tube — Installation................378
    Oil Pick-Up Tube — Removal................379
    Oil Pump — Cleaning and Inspection................380
    Oil Pump — Installation................383
    Oil Pump — Removal................384
  Group 070: Cooling System Repair and Adjustment................119
    Coolant Pump Adapter — Installation................386
    Coolant Pump Adapter — Removal................387
    Coolant Pump Assembly — Inspection................388
    Coolant Pump Assembly — Installation................389
    Coolant Pump Assembly — Removal................390
    Thermostat — Installation................391
    Thermostat — Removal................393
  Group 080: Air Intake and Exhaust System Repair and Adjustment................120
    Air Inlet Elbow — Installation................395
    Air Inlet Elbow — Removal................396
    Air Inlet Housing — Installation................397
    Air Inlet Housing — Removal................399
    Air Throttle Actuator — Installation................401
    Air Throttle Actuator — Removal................402
    EGR Cooler — Cleaning................403
    EGR Cooler — Installation................404
    EGR Cooler — Removal................406
    EGR Cooler Coolant Return Tube — Installation................408
    EGR Cooler Coolant Return Tube — Removal................410
    EGR Cooler Coolant Supply Hose — Installation................412
    EGR Cooler Coolant Supply Hose — Removal................413
    EGR Cooler Gas Outlet Elbow — Cleaning................414
    EGR Cooler Gas Outlet Elbow — Installation................415
    EGR Cooler Gas Outlet Elbow — Removal................417
    EGR Cooler Gas Outlet Pipe — Cleaning................418
    EGR Cooler Gas Outlet Pipe — Installation................419
    EGR Cooler Gas Outlet Pipe — Removal................421
    EGR Valve — Cleaning................423
    EGR Valve — Inspection................424
    EGR Valve — Installation................425
    EGR Valve — Removal................426
    Exhaust Manifold — Installation................427
    Exhaust Manifold — Removal................430
    Intake Manifold — Installation................432
    Intake Manifold — Removal................434
    Reed Valve — Cleaning................435
    Reed Valve — Inspection................436
    Reed Valve — Installation................437
    Reed Valve — Removal................438
    Reed Valve Cover — Installation................439
    Reed Valve Cover — Removal................440
    Turbocharger — Break-In................441
    Turbocharger — Failure Analysis................442
    Turbocharger — Inspection................445
    Turbocharger — Recommendations for Use................453
    Wastegate Turbocharger Assembly — Installation................454
    Wastegate Turbocharger Assembly — Removal................456
    Wastegate Turbocharger Exhaust Elbow — Installation................458
    Wastegate Turbocharger Exhaust Elbow — Removal................460
    Wastegate Turbocharger Oil Drain Line — Installation................461
    Wastegate Turbocharger Oil Drain Line — Removal................463
    Wastegate Turbocharger Oil Supply Line — Installation................465
    Wastegate Turbocharger Oil Supply Line — Removal................467
  Group 090: Electronic Fuel System Repair and Adjustment................121
    Electronic Injectors — Installation................471
    Electronic Injectors — Removal................474
    High-Pressure Common-Rail (HPCR) — Installation................476
    High-Pressure Common-Rail (HPCR) — Removal................478
    High-Pressure Fuel Pump — Installation................479
    High-Pressure Fuel Pump — Removal................482
    High-Pressure Injection Lines — Installation................484
    High-Pressure Injection Lines — Removal................486
    Low-Pressure Fuel Pump — Installation................488
    Low-Pressure Fuel Pump — Removal................489
    Pressure Limiter — Installation................490
    Pressure Limiter — Removal................492
    Primary Fuel Filter Assembly — Installation................493
    Primary Fuel Filter Assembly — Removal................495
    Primary Fuel Filter Element — Installation................497
    Primary Fuel Filter Element— Removal................499
    Secondary Fuel Filter Assembly — Installation................501
    Secondary Fuel Filter Assembly — Removal................504
    Secondary Fuel Filter Element — Installation................506
    Secondary Fuel Filter Element — Removal................508
    Suction Control Valve — Installation................509
    Suction Control Valve — Removal................511
  Group 100: Starting System Repair and Adjustment................122
    Starter Motor — Assemble................517
    Starter Motor — Installation................521
    Starter Motor — No-Load Test................522
    Starter Motor — Removal................524
    Starter Motor — Tear Down................525
    Starter Motor Armature — Cleaning and Inspection................530
    Starter Motor Field Coil — Cleaning and Inspection................532
    Starter Motor Magnetic Switch — Cleaning and Inspection................533
    Starter Motor Pinion Clutch Assembly — Cleaning and Inspection................536
  Group 110: Electrical Engine Control Repair and Adjustment................122
    Aftertreatment Pressure Sensor — Installation................540
    Aftertreatment Pressure Sensor — Removal................542
    Camshaft Position Sensor — Installation................543
    Camshaft Position Sensor — Removal................545
    Crankshaft Position Sensor — Installation................546
    Crankshaft Position Sensor — Removal................548
    DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor — Installation................549
    DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor — Removal................550
    DOC Outlet Temperature Sensor — Installation................551
    DOC Outlet Temperature Sensor — Removal................552
    EGR Temperature Sensor — Installation................553
    EGR Temperature Sensor — Removal................554
    Engine Control Unit (ECU) — Installation................555
    Engine Control Unit (ECU) — Removal................556
    Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor — Installation................557
    Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor — Removal................559
    Engine Oil Pressure Switch — Installation................561
    Engine Oil Pressure Switch — Removal................562
    Exhaust Manifold Temperature Sensor — Installation................563
    Exhaust Manifold Temperature Sensor — Removal................564
    Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor — Installation................565
    Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor — Removal................567
    Fuel Temperature Sensor — Installation................568
    Fuel Temperature Sensor — Removal................570
    Intake Air Temperature Sensor — Installation................572
    Intake Air Temperature Sensor — Removal................574
    Manifold Air and Exhaust Pressure Sensor — Installation................575
    Manifold Air and Exhaust Pressure Sensor — Removal................577
    Manifold Air Temperature (MAT) Sensor — Installation................578
    Manifold Air Temperature (MAT) Sensor — Removal................580
    Water-In-Fuel (WIF) Sensor — Installation................581
    Water-In-Fuel (WIF) Sensor — Removal................583
    Wiring Harness — Installation................584
    Wiring Harness — Removal................588
  Group 115: Aftertreatment Devices Repair and Adjustment................123
    Diesel Particulate Filter — Maintenance and Service................594
    Exhaust Filter — Ash Handling and Disposal................595
    Exhaust Filter — Assemble................596
    Exhaust Filter — Cleaning................598
    Exhaust Filter — Inspection................599
    Exhaust Filter — Tear Down................604
    Exhaust Filter, Brackets, and Piping — Installation................606
    Exhaust Filter, Brackets, and Piping — Removal................609
Section 03: Theory of Operation................611
  Group 120: Base Engine Operation................611
    General Engine Operation................615
    Head Gasket Joint Construction and Operation................616
  Group 123: Cooling System................611
    Cooling System Component Location Diagram................619
    Cooling System Operation................620
  Group 126: Lubrication System................611
    Lubrication System Flow Diagram................623
    Lubrication System Operation................625
  Group 130: Electronic Fuel System................611
    Electronic Fuel System Component Location Diagram 1................628
    Electronic Fuel System Component Location Diagram 2................630
    Electronic Fuel System Component Location Diagram 3................631
    Electric Low-Pressure Fuel Pump Operation................632
    Electric Low-Pressure Fuel System Operation................633
    Electronic Injector (EI) Operation................635
    High-Pressure Common-Rail (HPCR) Operation................640
    High-Pressure Fuel Pump Operation................641
    High-Pressure Fuel System Operation................642
    Primary and Secondary Fuel Filter Operation................643
  Group 135: Air Intake and Exhaust System................611
    Air Intake and Exhaust System Operation................647
    Air Throttle Actuator Operation................649
    Cold Start Aid Operation................650
    Air Intake and Exhaust System Component Location Diagram 1................651
    Air Intake and Exhaust System Component Location Diagram 2................652
    Air Intake and Exhaust System Component Location Diagram 3................653
    Air Intake and Exhaust System Component Location Diagram 4................654
    EGR Cooler Operation................655
    EGR Valve Operation................656
  Group 137: Aftertreatment System................611
    Aftertreatment System Component Location Diagram................658
    Aftertreatment System Operation................659
    Exhaust Filter Operation................660
  Group 140: Electronic Control System................612
    B5100 — Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor................665
    B5109 — Aftertreatment Pressure Sensor................667
    B5114 — Manifold Air and Exhaust Pressure Sensor................669
    B5115 — Engine Oil Pressure Switch................671
    B5201 — DOC Inlet Temperature Sensor................673
    B5202 — DOC Outlet Temperature Sensor................675
    B5206 — Manifold Air Temperature (MAT) Sensor................677
    B5207 — EGR Temperature Sensor................679
    B5208 — Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor................681
    B5209 — Fuel Temperature Sensor................683
    B5215 — Intake Air Temperature Sensor................685
    B5216 — Exhaust Manifold Temperature Sensor................687
    B5301 — Crankshaft Position Sensor................689
    B5302 — Camshaft Position Sensor................691
    B5600 — Water-In-Fuel Sensor................693
    Controller Area Network (CAN)................695
    Determining Engine Speed and Piston Position................696
    Electrical Component Location Diagram 1................697
    Electrical Component Location Diagram 2................698
    Electrical Component Location Diagram 3................699
    Electrical Component Location Diagram 4................700
    Electrical Component Location Diagram 5................702
    Engine Control Unit (ECU) System Operation................703
    Measuring Pressure................705
    Measuring Speed................706
    Measuring Temperature................707
    Pilot Injection Operation................708
    R5600 — Resistor (120 Ohm)................709
    R5601 — CAN Termination Resistor................710
    R5606 — Resistor................711
    R5607 — Glow Plug................713
    Sensor Supply #1................715
    Sensor Supply #2................716
    Sensor Supply #3................717
    Y5002 — Suction Control Valve................718
    Y5400 — EGR Valve Actuator................720
    Y5401 — Air Throttle Actuator................722
Section 04: Diagnostics................724
  Group 150: Observable Diagnostics and Tests................724
    Abnormal Engine Noise................724
    Coolant in Oil or Oil in Coolant................724
    Crankshaft and Main Bearing Failure Analysis................724
    ECU Does Not Communicate with Service ADVISOR................724
    ECU Does Not Program with Service ADVISOR................724
    Engine Coolant Temperature Below Normal................724
    Engine Cranks and Will Not Start................724
    Engine Does Not Develop Full Power................724
    Engine Emits Excessive Black or Gray Exhaust Smoke................724
    Engine Emits Excessive Blue Exhaust Smoke................724
    Engine Emits Excessive White Exhaust Smoke................724
    Engine Misfires or Runs Irregularly................724
    Engine Will Not Crank................724
    Excessive Fuel Consumption................724
    Excessive Oil Carryover................782
    Excessive Oil Consumption................784
    Fuel in Oil................724
    Throttle Not Responding................724
  Group 155: Checks, Tests, and Procedures................724
    Aftertreatment Verification Procedure................873
    Air in Fuel Check................724
    Camshaft to Crankshaft Timing Check................796
    CAN Diagnostics Procedure................724
    Carbon Cleaning Procedure................803
    Charge Air Cooler Test................804
    Cooling System Test................805
    Crankcase Pressure (Blow-By) Test................724
    EGR Cooler Test................812
    Engine Cranking Speed Check................813
    Engine Oil Pressure Check................815
    Exhaust Condition Check................817
    Fuel Return Lines (Leak off) Restriction Check................828
    Fuel Supply Quality Check................830
    Fuel System Bleeding................725
    High-Pressure Fuel System Check................725
    Low-Pressure Fuel System Check................725
    Mechanical Compression Test................861
    Problem Not Found Procedure................862
    Short to Voltage Procedure................725
    Terminal Test................866
    Thermostat — Testing................870
    Turbocharger Oil Seal Leak Check................872
    Verification Procedure................873
    Wiggle Test................875
  Group 160: Diagnostic Instructions and Information................725
    Actuator Test Instructions................877
    Connecting to Service ADVISOR................878
    Control Unit Information and Overview Test................880
    Cylinder Cutout Test Instructions................881
    Data Points Used in Service ADVISOR................883
    Diagnostic Test Box — Using................887
    Diagnostic Trouble Code Designations................896
    Digital Multimeter — Using................900
    DOC Calibration — Instructions................902
    DPF Calibration — Instructions................903
    DPF Service Recovery — Instructions................904
    Electrical Circuit Concepts................905
    Electrical Noise — Possible Causes................911
    Electronic Injector — Calibration Information................912
    Engine Control Unit (ECU) — Reprogramming Instructions................914
    Engine Hours — Updating Instructions................915
    Enhanced Passive Regeneration — Instructions................916
    Fuel Rail Pressure Relief Valve Counter Reset — Instructions................917
    Interactive Tests and Calibration Results — Printing, Exporting, or Saving Instruction................918
    Internal Data Monitor — Instructions................919
    Keep Electronic Control Unit Connectors Clean................925
    Payload File — ECU Payload Downloading Instructions................926
    Regeneration Failure — Possible Causes................927
    Service Regeneration — Instructions................929
    Servicing Electronic Control Units................931
    Snapshot Instructions................932
    Welding Near Electronic Control Units................935
  Group 161: DTC SPN — 000001 - 000199................726
    000028.00 - Primary Analog Throttle Signal Extremely High................726
    000028.01 - Primary Analog Throttle Signal Extremely Low................726
    000028.03 - Primary Analog Throttle Signal Out of Range High................726
    000028.04 - Primary Analog Throttle Signal Out of Range Low................726
    000029.03 - Secondary Throttle Signal Out of Range High................726
    000029.04 - Secondary Throttle Signal Out of Range Low................726
    000029.08 - Secondary Throttle Signal Abnormal................726
    000051.03 - Air Throttle Actuator Position Signal Out of Range High................726
    000051.04 - Air Throttle Actuator Position Signal Out of Range Low................726
    000091.03 - Primary Analog Throttle Signal Out of Range High................726
    000091.04 - Primary Analog Throttle Signal Out of Range Low................726
    000100.01 - Engine Oil Pressure Signal Extremely Low................726
    000100.04 - Engine Oil Pressure Signal Out of Range Low................726
    000102.03 - Manifold Air Pressure Signal Out of Range High................726
    000102.04 - Manifold Air Pressure Signal Out of Range Low................726
    000102.10 - Manifold Air Pressure Signal Error................726
    000102.13 - Manifold Air Pressure Signal Calibration Fault................726
    000105.03 - Manifold Air Temperature Signal Out of Range High................726
    000105.04 - Manifold Air Temperature Signal Out of Range Low................726
    000105.10 - Manifold Air Temperature Signal Error................726
    000108.03 - Barometric Pressure Signal Out of Range High................726
    000108.04 - Barometric Pressure Signal Out of Range Low................726
    000108.10 - Barometric Pressure Signal Abnormal................726
    000110.00 - Engine Coolant Temperature Signal Extremely High................726
    000110.03 - Engine Coolant Temperature Signal Out of Range High................727
    000110.04 - Engine Coolant Temperature Signal Out of Range Low................727
    000110.10 - Engine Coolant Temperature Signal Error................727
    000157.00 - Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Extremely High................727
    000157.03 - Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Out of Range High................727
    000157.04 - Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Out of Range Low................727
    000157.15 - Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Slightly High................727
    000157.16 - Fuel Rail Pressure Limiter Open................727
    000157.18 - Fuel Rail Pressure Signal Moderately Low................727
    000167.01 - Charging System Voltage Extremely Low................727
    000167.05 - Charging System Circuit Has High Resistance................727
    000172.03 - Intake Air Temperature Signal Out Of Range High................727
    000172.04 - Intake Air Temperature Signal Out Of Range Low................727
    000173.03 - Exhaust Manifold Temperature Signal Out Of Range High................727
    000173.04 - Exhaust Manifold Temperature Signal Out Of Range Low................727
    000173.10 - Exhaust Manifold Temperature Signal Error................727
    000174.00 - Fuel Temperature Signal Extremely High................727
    000174.03 - Fuel Temperature Signal Out Of Range High................727
    000174.04 - Fuel Temperature Signal Out Of Range Low................727
    000190.00 - Engine Speed Extremely High................727
  Group 162: DTC SPN - 000200 — 000699................727
    000237.13 - VIN Security Data Conflict................727
    000237.31 - VIN Security Data Missing................727
    000412.03 - EGR Temperature Signal Out of Range High................727
    000412.04 - EGR Temperature Signal Out Of Range Low................727
    000412.10 - EGR Temperature Signal Error................727
    000630.12 - ECU EEPROM Error................727
    000633.03 - Suction Control Valve Circuit Out of Range High................727
    000633.05 - Suction Control Valve Circuit Has High Resistance................727
    000633.06 - Suction Control Valve Circuit Has Low Resistance................727
    000651.03 - Injector #4 Circuit Out of Range High................727
    000651.05 - Injector #4 Circuit Has High Resistance................727
    000651.06 - Injector #4 Circuit Has Low Resistance................727
    000652.03 - Injector #3 Circuit Out of Range High................728
    000652.05 - Injector #3 Circuit Has High Resistance................728
    000652.06 - Injector #3 Circuit Has Low Resistance................728
    000653.03 - Injector #2 Circuit Out of Range High................728
    000653.05 - Injector #2 Circuit Has High Resistance................728
    000653.06 - Injector #2 Circuit Has Low Resistance................728
    000654.03 - Injector #1 Circuit Out of Range High................728
    000654.05 - Injector #1 Circuit Has High Resistance................728
    000654.06 - Injector #1 Circuit Has Low Resistance................728
  Group 163: DTC SPN - 000700 — 001999................728
    001202.02 - Vehicle Immobilizer System Error................728
    001209.03 - Exhaust Manifold Pressure Signal Out of Range High................728
    001209.04 - Exhaust Manifold Pressure Signal Out of Range Low................728
    001209.10 - Exhaust Manifold Pressure Signal Error................728
    001209.13 - Exhaust Manifold Pressure Signal Calibration Fault................728
    001485.02 - ECU Main Relay Invalid................728
    001485.07 - ECU Main Relay Mismatch................728
  Group 164: DTC SPN - 002000 — 002999................728
    002791.00 - EGR Valve Drive Circuit Voltage Extremely High................728
    002791.01 - EGR Valve Drive Circuit Voltage Extremely Low................728
    002791.07 - EGR Valve Position Error................728
    002791.09 - EGR Valve Communication Error................728
    002791.12 - EGR Valve Actuator Internal Error................728
    002797.06 - Injector High Voltage Supply #1 Circuit Has Low Resistance................728
    002798.06 - Injector High Voltage Supply #2 Circuit Has Low Resistance................728
    002950.03 - Air Throttle Actuator Drive Circuit 1 Out of Range High................728
    002950.04 - Air Throttle Actuator Drive Circuit 1 Out of Range Low................728
    002950.05 - Air Throttle Actuator Drive Circuit Has High Resistance................728
    002950.06 - Air Throttle Actuator Drive Circuit Has Low Resistance................728
    002951.03 - Air Throttle Actuator Drive Circuit 2 Out of Range High................728
    002951.04 - Air Throttle Actuator Drive Circuit 2 Out of Range Low................728
  Group 165: DTC SPN - 003000 — 003999................728
    003242.00 - DOC Inlet Temperature Extremely High................728
    003242.03 - DOC Inlet Temperature Signal Out of Range High................729
    003242.04 - DOC Inlet Temperature Signal Out of Range Low................729
    003242.10 - DOC Inlet Temperature Signal Error................729
    003250.00 - DOC Outlet Temperature Extremely High................729
    003250.01 - DOC Outlet Temperature Extremely Low................729
    003250.03 - DOC Outlet Temperature Signal Out of Range High................729
    003250.04 - DOC Outlet Temperature Signal Out of Range Low................729
    003250.10 - DOC Outlet Temperature Signal Error................729
    003251.00 - DPF Differential Pressure Extremely High................729
    003251.03 - DPF Differential Pressure Signal Out of Range High................729
    003251.04 - DPF Differential Pressure Signal Out of Range Low................729
    003251.13 - DPF Differential Pressure Sensor Calibration Fault................729
    003609.03 - DPF Inlet Pressure Signal Out of Range High................729
    003609.04 - DPF Inlet Pressure Signal Out of Range Low................729
    003609.10 - DPF Inlet Pressure Signal Error................729
    003695.14 - Exhaust Filter Cleaning Inhibited By Operator Interface................729
    003719.00 - Calculated Soot Level Extremely High................729
    003719.07 - DPF Recovery Prohibited................729
    003719.09 - DPF Recovery Failed................729
    003719.16 - Calculated Soot Level Moderately High................729
    003720.00 - Calculated Ash Level Extremely High................729
    003720.16 - Calculated Ash Level Moderately High................729
  Group 166: DTC SPN - 004000 — 529999................729
    004257.12 - Injector High Voltage Supply Internal Failure................729
    004795.31 - Aftertreatment System Fault................729
    522243.05 - Engine Starter Solenoid Lockout Relay Driver Circuit Has High Resistance................729
    522243.06 - Engine Starter Solenoid Lockout Relay Driver Circuit Has Low Resistance................729
    522323.00 - Air Filter Pressure Differential Extremely High................729
    522329.00 - Water-In-Fuel Level Extremely High................729
    522400.02 - Crankshaft Position Signal Invalid................729
    522400.05 - Crankshaft Position Signal Missing................729
    522401.02 - Camshaft Position Signal Invalid................729
    522401.05 - Camshaft Position Signal Missing................729
    522401.07 - Camshaft Position and Crankshaft Position Signals Out of Sync................730
    522571.03 - Suction Control Valve Low Side Drive Circuit Out of Range High................730
    522571.06 - Suction Control Valve Low Side Drive Circuit Has Low Resistance................730
    522572.06 - Suction Control Valve High Side Drive Circuit Has Low Resistance................730
    522572.11 - Suction Control Valve High Side Drive Circuit Current Fault................730
    522573.00 - Calculated Soot Level High................730
    522574.00 - DPF Differential Pressure Soot Level High................730
    522575.07 - Parked Regeneration Failed................730
    522576.12 - ECU EEPROM Read Error................730
    522577.11 - Parked Regeneration Not Performed................730
    522578.12 - ECU EEPROM Write Error................730
    522579.12 - EGR Valve Actuator Low Resistance Error................730
    522580.12 - EGR Valve Position Internal Error................730
    522581.07 - EGR Valve Stuck Open................730
    522582.07 - EGR Valve Initialization Error................730
    522583.01 - EGR Valve Actuator High Temperature Sensor Fault................730
    522584.01 - EGR Valve Actuator Low Temperature Sensor Fault................730
    522585.12 - ECU Internal Fault 17................730
    522588.12 - ECU Internal Voltage High Error................730
    523489.12 - ECU Internal Voltage Low Error................730
    522590.12 - Sensor Supply #1 Voltage Error................730
    522591.12 - Sensor Supply #2 Voltage Error................730
    522592.12 - Sensor Supply #3 Voltage Error................730
    522596.09 - No CAN Message Received From Source Address 1................730
    522597.09 - No CAN Message Received From Source Address 2................730
    522599.09 - Vehicle Controller CAN Communication Error #1................730
    522600.09 - Vehicle Controller CAN Communication Error #2................730
    522601.09 - Vehicle Controller CAN Communication Error #3................730
    522609.09 - Vehicle Controller CAN Communication Error #4................730
    522610.09 - EGR Valve CAN Communication Error................730
    522617.12 - EGR Valve Position Mismatch................730
    522618.09 - Vehicle Controller CAN Communication Error #5................730
    522619.09 - Vehicle Controller Communications Error................730
    522623.07 - Dual Throttle Open Position Failure................731
    522624.07 - Dual Throttle Closed Position Failure................731
    522730.12 - Vehicle Immobilizer System CAN Communication Error................731
    522744.04 - ECU Power Supply Output #1 Circuit Has Low Resistance................731
    522994.04 - ECU Power Supply Output #2 Circuit Has Low Resistance................731
    523249.05 - Crankshaft Position and Camshaft Position Signals Invalid................731
    523460.07 - Fuel Rail Pressure Error For a Duration................731
    523462.13 - Injector #1 Calibration Error................731
    523463.13 - Injector #2 Calibration Error................731
    523464.13 - Injector #3 Calibration Error................731
    523465.13 - Injector #4 Calibration Error................731
    523468.09 - Rail Pressure Limiter Open................731
    523469.00 - Rail Pressure Limiter Occurrence Count Extremely High................731
    523470.00 - Rail Pressure Limiter Cumulative Time Extremely High................731
    523471.06 - ECU Power Supply Output #3 Circuit Has Low Resistance................731
    523473.12 - ECU Internal Fault 1................731
    523474.12 - ECU Internal Fault 2................731
    523475.12 - ECU Internal Fault 3................731
    523476.12 - ECU Internal Fault 4................731
    523477.12 - ECU Internal Fault 5................731
    523478.12 - ECU Internal Fault 6................731
    523479.12 - ECU Internal Fault 7................731
    523480.12 - ECU Internal Fault 8................731
    523481.12 - ECU Internal Fault 9................731
    523482.12 - ECU Internal Fault 10................731
    523483.12 - ECU Internal Fault 11................731
    523484.12 - ECU Internal Fault 12................731
    523485.12 - ECU Internal Fault 13................731
    523486.12 - ECU Internal Fault 14................731
    523487.12 - ECU Internal Fault 15................731
    523488.00 - ECU Internal Fault 16................731
    523489.00 - Fuel Rail Pressure Extremely High For a Duration................731
    523491.00 - Fuel Temperature Extremely High For a Duration................731
Section 05: Tools and Other Materials................1860
  Group 170: Special Tools................1792
  Group 180: Lubricants, Sealants, and Cleaners................1793
    Other Materials................1860
Section 06: Specifications................1862
  Group 190: Repair and Diagnostic Specifications................1862
    Metric Bolt and Screw Torque Values................1865
    Unified Inch Bolt and Screw Torque Values................1867
    Engine Schematic................1869
    Wiring Diagram 1................1872
    Wiring Diagram 2................1873
    Wiring Diagram 3................1875
    Wiring Diagram 4................1877
    Wiring Diagram 5................1879
    Wiring Diagram 6................1881

John Deere 3TNV86, 4TNV86, 3TNV88, and 4TNV88 Diesel Engines Workshop Service Component Repair Technical Manual (CTM120419)

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