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John Deere Tractors 5036C, 5039C, 5041C, 5042C Diagnostics and Repair Service Manual (TM900219)




US Dollar: $35.00

Complete All Inclusive Technical Manual with electrical wiring diagrams for John Deere Tractors 5036C, 5039C, 5041C, 5042C (PIN Prefix PY or 1PY, October 2014, India Edition), with all the shop information to maintain, diagnose, repair, rebuild like professional mechanics (Diagnosis, Operation, Tests, Repair, Service, Troubleshooting).

John Deere 5036C, 5039C, 5041C, 5042C Tractors workshop technical service manual includes:
* Numbered table of contents easy to use so that you can find the information you need fast.
* Detailed sub-steps expand on repair procedure information
* Numbered instructions guide you through every repair procedure step by step.
* Troubleshooting and electrical service procedures are combined with detailed wiring diagrams for ease of use.
* Notes, cautions and warnings throughout each chapter pinpoint critical information.
* Bold figure number help you quickly match illustrations with instructions.
* Detailed illustrations, drawings and photos guide you through every procedure.
* Enlarged inset helps you identify and examine parts in detail.

tm900219 - 5036C, 5039C, 5041C and 5042C Tractors Technical Manual.pdf

Total Pages: 1,571 pages
File Format: PDF (bookmarked, ToC, Searchable, Printable, high quality)
Language: English

   General Information
      General Specifications
      Fuel and Lubricants
      Serial Number Locations
   Engine Repair
      Cylinder Head and Valves
      Cyl. Block, Liners, Pistons & Rods
      Crankshaft, Main Bearings and Flywheel
      Camshaft and Timing Gear Train
      Lubrication System
      Cooling System
   Fuel and Air Repair
      Fuel System
      Air Intake and Exhaust System
      Speed Control Linkage
      Fuel Shut-Off Linkage
   Electrical Repair
      Battery, Starter and Alternator
      Electrical System Components
      Wiring Harness
   Power Train Repair
      Clutch Housing
      Clutch Assembly
      Rear PTO Single Clutch
      Final Drives
   Steering and Brake Repair
      Steering Repair
      Brake Repair
   Hydraulic Repair
      Hydraulic Pump and Filter
   Miscellaneous Repair
      Front Axle
      3-Point Hitch
      Front Bumper
   Operator Station Repair
      Seat and Support
      Operator Platform
   Operational Checkout Procedures
      Operational Checkout Procedures
   Engine Operation, Tests and Adjustments
      Component Location
      Theory of Operation
      Diagnosis, Tests and Adjustments
   Fuel/Air Operation, Tests and Adjustments
      Component Location
      Theory of Operation
      Diagnosis, Tests and Adjustments
   Electrical System Operation, Tests & Adjustments
      Component Location
      Theory of Operation
      Wiring Schematics
      Diagnosis, Test and Adjust
      Component Information-Connectors
   Power Train Operation, Tests and Adjustments
      Component Location
      Theory of Operation
      Diagnosis, Tests and Adjustments
   Steering and Brake Operation, Tests & Adjustments
      Component Location
      Theory of Operation
      Diagnosis, Tests and Adjustments
   Hydraulic System Operation, Tests & Adjustments
      Component Location
      Theory of Operation
      Hydraulic Tests
      Adjustments - HARIG Rockshaft
      Hydraulic Schematics

Section 10: General Information................29
  Group 05: Safety................29
    Recognize Safety Information................33
    Understand Signal Words................34
    Follow Safety Instructions................35
    Prepare for Emergencies................36
    Wear Protective Clothing................37
    Protect Against Noise................38
    Handle Fuel Safely—Avoid Fires................39
    Handle Starting Fluid Safely................40
    Fire Prevention................41
    In Case of Fire................42
    Avoid Static Electricity Risk When Refueling................43
    Keep ROPS Installed Properly................45
    Use Foldable ROPS and Seat Belt Properly................46
    Stay Clear of Rotating Drivelines................47
    Use Steps and Handholds Correctly................49
    Read Operator’s Manuals for ISOBUS Controllers................50
    Use Seat Belt Properly................51
    Operating the Tractor Safely................52
    Avoid Backover Accidents................54
    Limited Use in Forestry Operation................55
    Operating the Loader Tractor Safely................56
    Keep Riders Off Machine................57
    Instructional Seat................58
    Use Safety Lights and Devices................59
    Transport Towed Equipment at Safe Speeds................60
    Use Caution On Slopes and Uneven Terrain................62
    Freeing a Mired Machine................63
    Avoid Contact with Agricultural Chemicals................64
    Handle Agricultural Chemicals Safely................65
    Handling Batteries Safely................67
    Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines................69
    Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating................70
    Handle Electronic Components and Brackets Safely................71
    Practice Safe Maintenance................72
    Avoid Hot Exhaust................73
    Clean Exhaust Filter Safely................74
    Work In Ventilated Area................77
    Support Machine Properly................78
    Prevent Machine Runaway................79
    Park Machine Safely................80
    Transport Tractor Safely................81
    Service Cooling System Safely................82
    Service Accumulator Systems Safely................83
    Service Tires Safely................84
    Service Front-Wheel Drive Tractor Safely................85
    Tightening Wheel Retaining Bolts/Nuts................86
    Avoid High-Pressure Fluids................87
    Do Not Open High-Pressure Fuel System................88
    Store Attachments Safely................89
    Decommissioning — Proper Recycling and Disposal of Fluids and Components................90
  Group 10: General Specifications................1490
    John Deere 5036C Tractor................94
    John Deere 5039C Tractor................97
    John Deere 5041C Tractor................100
    John Deere 5042C Tractor................102
    Ground Speed at Rated Engine Speed (2100 rpm)................108
    Ground Speed at Rated Engine Speed (2100 rpm)................108
    Ground Speed at Rated Engine Speed (2100 rpm)................108
    Service Recommendations for O-Ring Boss Fittings................109
    Service Recommendations for Flat Face O-Ring Seal Fittings................111
    Metric Bolt and Screw Torque Values................113
    Unified Inch Bolt and Screw Torque Values................115
  Group 15: Fuel and Lubricants................30
    Diesel Fuel................120
    Handling and Storing Diesel Fuel................122
    Lubricity of Diesel Fuel................123
    Oil Filters................124
    Do Not Use Galvanized Containers................125
    Fill Fuel Tank................126
    Diesel Engine Oil — Tier 3 and Stage III................127
    Diesel Engine Break-In Oil — Non-Emissions Certified and Certified Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Stage I, Stage II, and Stage III................129
    Diesel Engine Coolant................131
    Transmission and Hydraulic Oil................132
    Grease (Specific Application)................133
    Alternative and Synthetic Lubricants................135
    Lubricant Storage................136
  Group 20: Serial Number Locations................31
    Serial Numbers................138
    Product Identification Number Location................139
    Engine Serial Number Location................140
    Fuel Injection Pump Serial Number Location................141
    Alternator Serial Number Location................142
    Power Steering Valve Serial Number Location................143
    Starter Serial Number Location................144
    Transmission Serial Number Location................145
    Front Axle Serial Number Location................146
  Group 25: Features................31
    Standard Features................153
Section 20: Engine Repair................159
  Group 05: Engine................159
    Service Equipment and Tools................555
    John Deere Engine Repair — Use CTM125................168
    Remove Engine................169
    Install Engine................183
    John Deere Engine Repair — Use CTM124619................197
    Remove Engine (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................198
    Install Engine (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................212
  Group 10: Cylinder Head and Valves................159
    Special or Essential Tools................542
    Torques for Hardware................435
    Cylinder Head - Exploded View................286
    Check Valve Lift................235
    Remove cylinder head................236
    Clean Injection Nozzle Bores................239
    Valve Actuating Parts................240
    Remove Valves and Valve Springs................241
    Checking Cylinder Head Flatness................242
    Clean Valve Guides................243
    Measure Valve Guides................244
    Knurl Valve Guides................246
    Clean and Inspect Valve Seats................247
    Lapping Valve Seats................248
    Check Valve Recess................249
    Remove Valve Seat Inserts................250
    Valve Seat Insert Installation................253
    Check Valves................254
    Grind Valves................255
    Check Valve Spring Compression................256
    Inspect Valve Rotators................257
    Install Valves................258
    Install Cylinder Head................260
    Torque Turn Tightening Method................262
    Disassembling and Checking Rocker Arm Shaft................264
    Reassembling Rocker Arm Shaft................266
    Install Rocker Arm Assembly................268
    Valve Clearance................269
    Valve Adjustment Sequence................270
    Install Rocker Arm Cover................272
    Final Work................273
  Group 15: Cyl. Block, Liners, Pistons & Rods................160
    Special or Essential Tools................542
    Torques for Hardware................435
    Exploded View................286
    Connecting Rods - General Information................287
    Remove Pistons and Connecting Rods................289
    Measure Cylinder Liner Bore................291
    Remove Cylinder Liners................292
    Cylinder Liner Deglazing................293
    Cylinder Block Cleaning................294
    Check Piston Cooling Jets................295
    Cam Follower Bore Measure................296
    Measure Camshaft Bore................297
    Remove Camshaft Bushing................298
    Install Camshaft Bushing................299
    Measure Crankshaft Bore................300
    Replace Crankshaft Bearing Caps................301
    Cylinder Block Top Desk Flatness................302
    Measure Cylinder Liner Protrusion................303
    Liner Packing Installation................305
    Liner O-Ring Installation................306
    Install Cylinder Liners................307
    Measure Connecting Rod Bearing................309
    Rod Bearing Clearance................311
    Measure Connecting Rod Bushing................312
    Replace Connecting Rod Bushing (Straight Pin-End)................313
    Replace Connecting Rod Bushing (Tapered Pin-End)................314
    Measure Piston Pin................317
    Clean and Inspect Pistons................318
    Measure Piston Pin Bore................319
    Piston Top Ring Groove................320
    Second and Third Piston Ring Grooves................321
    Piston Head and Skirt Checking................322
    Install Piston Rings................323
    Piston Rings Staggering................325
    Piston/Liner Set Information................326
    Assemble Piston and Connecting Rod................327
    Install Piston and Connecting Rod................329
    Measure Piston Protrusion................333
    Complete Final Assembly................335
  Group 20: Crankshaft, Main Bearings and Flywheel................161
    Special or Essential Tools................542
    Torques for Hardware................435
    Remove Crankshaft Pulley................342
    Install Crankshaft Pulley................343
    Flywheel Removal................344
    Flywheel Ring Gear Replacement................345
    Install Ball Bearing................346
    Install Flywheel................347
    Remove Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal................348
    Flywheel Housing Replacement................351
    Install Oil Seal/Wear Sleeve................353
    Crankshaft End Play Measure................355
    Remove Crankshaft................357
    Crankshaft Inspection................358
    Crankshaft Identification................359
    Check Crankshaft Journal Diameter................360
    Determine Crankshaft Main Bearing Clearance Using................362
    Regrind Crankshaft................363
    Crankshaft Regrinding Guidelines................364
    Micro-Finishing Specifications................1490
    Replace Crankshaft Gear................366
    Install Main Bearing Inserts................368
    Install 2-Piece Thrust Bearing................369
    Crankshaft Installation................370
  Group 25: Camshaft and Timing Gear Train................162
    Special or Essential Tools................542
    Torques for Hardware................435
    Remove Crankshaft Front Oil Seal................379
    Remove Timing Gear Cover................380
    Remove Oil Deflector................382
    Measure Timing Gear Backlash................383
    Camshaft End Play Measure................384
    Remove Camshaft................385
    Measure Camshaft Journal................386
    Measure Height of Cam Lobe................387
    Replace Camshaft Gear................388
    Install Camshaft................389
    Check Cam Follower................390
    Idler Gear End Play Measure................391
    Remove Front Plate................392
    Idler Gear Bushing and Shaft Measure................394
    Idler Gear Bushing Replacement................396
    Remove Idler Shaft................397
    Install Idler Shaft Spring Pin................398
    Install Idler Shafts................399
    Install Front Plate................400
    Install Upper Timing Gear Train................402
    Install Lower Timing Gear Train................404
    Install Oil Deflector................405
    Timing Gear Cover Identification................406
    Install Timing Gear Cover................407
    Install Crankshaft Front Oil Seal................409
    Install Wear Ring................410
    Install Auxiliary Equipment................411
  Group 30: Lubrication System................163
    Special or Essential Tools................542
    Torques for Hardware................435
    Remove Oil Pressure Regulating Valve................417
    Replace Oil Pressure Regulating Valve Seat................418
    Install Oil Pressure Regulating Valve................419
    Replace Oil Dipstick Guide................420
    Remove Oil Pan................421
    Replace Oil By-Pass Valve................422
    Replace Oil Pump Strainer................423
    Remove Oil Pump................424
    Oil Pump Gear Axial Clearance................425
    Oil Pump Gear Radial Clearance................426
    Oil Pump Specifications................1490
    Oil Pump - Exploded View................428
    Oil Pump Installation................429
    Install Oil Pan................431
  Group 35: Cooling System................163
    Special or Essential Tools................542
    Torques for Hardware................435
    Remove and Inspect Radiator................436
    Remove Fan................439
    Remove Water Pump................440
    Disassemble Water Pump................441
    Water Pump — Exploded View................444
    Assemble Water Pump................445
    Install Water Pump................448
    Inspect Thermostat................449
    Cooling System Deaeration................451
    Check Fan/Alternator Belt Tension................452
    Install Fan................454
    Install Radiator................456
    Replace Thermostat................458
Section 30: Fuel and Air Repair................462
  Group 05: Fuel System................462
    Special or Essential Tools................542
    Self-Manufactured Tool Template for Front Plate Replacement................467
    Torques For Hardware................469
    Injection Pump, Nozzle and Governor Repair — Use CTM125................470
    Remove, Inspect and Install Fuel Tank................471
    Replace Fuel Filter................477
    Remove and Install Fuel Filter Assembly................478
  Group 10: Air Intake and Exhaust System................462
    Remove, Inspect, and Install Air Cleaner Elements................482
    Check Air Inlet Pipe................485
    Exhaust Manifold Inspection................486
  Group 15: Speed Control Linkage................462
    Inspect and Repair Speed Control Linkage................489
    Inspect and Repair Speed Control Linkage (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................491
  Group 20: Fuel Shut-Off Linkage................462
    Inspect and Repair Fuel Shut-Off Knob and Linkage (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................495
Section 40: Electrical Repair................496
  Group 05: Battery, Starter and Alternator................496
    Starter Repair—Use CTM77................500
    Remove and Install Battery................501
    Remove and Install Starter................503
    Remove and Install Starter (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................505
    Replace Alternator/Regulator................507
  Group 10: Electrical System Components................496
    Service Equipment and Tools................555
    Other Material................890
    Replace Air Filter Restriction Sensor................513
    Replace Coolant Temperature Sender................514
    Replace Engine Oil Pressure Sensor................515
    Replace Key Switch................516
    Replace Light Switch................518
    Replace Turn Signal Controller and Hazard Switch................520
    Replace Mobile Charger Switch................523
    Replace Horn Switch................525
    Replace Instrument Panel................527
    Disassemble, Inspect and Assemble Instrument Cluster................529
    Replace Neutral Start Switch (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................535
    Replace Neutral Start Switch (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................536
    Replace Brake Switch................537
    Replace Fuel Level Sender................538
    Replace 7 Pin Connector................539
    Replace PTO Switch................540
  Group 15: Wiring Harness................496
    Special or Essential Tools................542
    Service Parts Kits................870
    Remove Connector Body from Blade Terminals................544
    Replace Tractor Wiring Harnesses................545
    Battery Wiring Harness................546
    Hood Wiring Harness................547
    Rear Wiring Harness................548
    Front Wiring Harness................549
Section 50: Power Train Repair................551
  Group 05: Clutch Housing................551
    Service Equipment and Tools................555
    Other Material................890
    Separate Engine from Transmission Housing (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................558
    Install Engine to Transmission Housing (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................566
    Separate Engine from Transmission Housing (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................575
    Install Engine to Transmission Housing (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................583
    Inspect and Repair Clutch Pedal and Linkage................592
    Separate Engine from Transmission Housing (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................594
    Install Engine to Transmission Housing (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................604
    Inspect and Repair Clutch Pedal and Linkage (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................613
  Group 10: Clutch Assembly................551
    Other Material................890
    Special Tools................1043
    Remove and Install Single Clutch Assembly................619
    Remove and Inspect Single Clutch Release Mechanism and Shaft................622
    Install Single Clutch Release Mechanism and Shaft................625
    Remove and Install Twin Plate Wet Clutch Assembly................628
    Remove and Inspect Twin Plate Wet Clutch Release Mechanism and Shaft................632
    Install Twin Plate Wet Clutch Release Mechanism and Shaft................636
  Group 20: Transmission................551
    Other Material................890
    Special Tools................1043
    Remove, Inspect and Repair Gear and Reverse Shift Lever And Cover................646
    Remove, Inspect and Install Range Shift Lever................648
    Remove Clutch Housing from Transmission Housing (Single Clutch)................651
    Remove Clutch Housing from Transmission Housing (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................654
    Disassemble and Inspect Transmission (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................657
    Disassemble and Inspect Transmission (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................665
    Disassemble, Inspect and Assemble Shift Shaft Assemblies (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................673
    Disassemble, Inspect and Assemble Shift Shaft Assemblies (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................675
    Disassemble and Inspect Top Shaft................678
    Assemble Top Shaft................684
    Disassemble and Inspect Differential Drive Shaft................691
    Assemble Differential Drive Shaft................696
    Disassemble and Inspect Reverse Idler Shaft................701
    Assemble Reverse Idler Shaft................703
    Disassemble and Inspect Clutch Drive Shaft (Single Clutch)................705
    Disassemble and Inspect Clutch Drive Shaft (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................708
    Assemble Clutch Drive Shaft (Single Clutch)................712
    Assemble Clutch Drive Shaft (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................716
    Assemble Transmission (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................720
    Assemble Transmission (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................728
    Install Clutch Housing to Transmission Housing................736
  Group 30: Rear PTO Single Clutch................552
    Special Tools................1043
    Remove, Inspect and Install Rear PTO Lever and Linkage................743
    Remove and Install Rear PTO Drive Shaft Assembly................745
    Disassemble, Inspect and Assemble Rear PTO Driven Shaft and Shifter Assembly................754
  Group 35: Differential................552
    Special Tools................1043
    Other Material................890
    Remove and Install Differential Assembly................762
    Disassemble, Inspect and Assemble 2-Pinion Differential Assembly................763
    Disassemble, Inspect and Assemble 4-Pinion Differential Assembly (For Puddling Variant Only)................765
    Differential Cone Point Adjustment for 2 Differential Cone Point Adjustment for 2 & 4-Pinion Differential{pgNO}552 4-Pinion Differential................767
    Differential Backlash Adjustment................769
  Group 40: Final Drives................552
    Other Material................890
    Special Tools................1043
    Remove and Install Final Drive Assembly................776
    Remove and Inspect Rear Drive Assembly................778
    Install Rear Drive Assembly................780
    Remove and Inspect Rear Axle Shaft Assembly................781
    Install Rear Axle Shaft Assembly................787
Section 60: Steering and Brake Repair................794
  Group 05: Steering Repair................794
    Other Material................890
    Special Tools................1043
    Service Parts Kits................870
    Remove and Install Steering Wheel................800
    Remove and Install Steering Column and Valve................801
    Remove and Install Steering Column and Valve with Wet Clutch (If Equipped)................804
    Disassemble and Inspect Steering Valve................807
    Assemble Steering Valve................810
    Remove and Install Steering Cylinder................813
    Disassemble, Inspect and Assemble Steering Cylinder................815
    Remove, Inspect and Install Tie Rod Assembly................817
    Inspect and Replace Steering Hydraulic Lines................818
    Inspect and Replace Steering Hydraulic Lines for Wet Clutch (If Equipped)................820
    Specifications—Mechanical Steering................822
    Remove Mechanical Steering Assembly................823
    Disassemble Steering Gearbox................825
    Inspect Steering Gearbox Parts................832
    Assemble Steering Gearbox................837
    Install Mechanical Steering Assembly................845
  Group 10: Brake Repair................794
    Other Material................890
    Special Tools................1043
    Remove and Install Brake Pedals and Linkage................851
    Remove and Install Park Brake Lever and Linkage................854
    Remove and Inspect Brakes................856
    Install Brakes................858
    Trailer Brake Provision................861
Section 70: Hydraulic Repair................866
  Group 05: Hydraulic Pump and Filter................866
    Special Tools................1043
    Service Parts Kits................870
    Remove, Inspect, and Install Hydraulic Oil Strainer................871
    Remove and Install Hydraulic Pump................872
    Remove Hydraulic Pump External Components................875
    Disassemble and Inspect Hydraulic Pump................876
    Assemble Hydraulic Pump................879
    Install Hydraulic Pump External Components................881
    Remove and Install Hydraulic Oil Filter/Manifold................883
    Inspect and Replace Hydraulic Supply and Suction/Return Lines................884
  Group 10: Rockshaft................866
    Other Material................890
    Remove and Install Rockshaft Case................892
    Remove, Inspect, and Install Rockshaft Control Lever Assembly................895
    Remove, Inspect, and Install Rockshaft Control Lever Support Assembly................897
    Replace Pressure Relief Valve................898
    Remove, Inspect and Install Rate-of-Drop valve................899
    Remove, Inspect and Replace Rockshaft Control valve................900
    Remove, Inspect, and Install Rockshaft Lift Arms................902
    Remove, Inspect, and Install Rockshaft Piston and Cylinder (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................905
    Remove, Inspect, and Install Rockshaft Piston and Cylinder (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................907
    Remove, Inspect and Install Rockshaft Control Linkage................909
    Remove, Inspect and Install Rockshaft Spring Housing Assembly................912
Section 80: Miscellaneous Repair................915
  Group 05: Front Axle................915
    Remove and Install Front Axle................918
    Inspect and Replace Seals and Bushings................921
    Remove and Install Spindle Assembly................922
    Inspect and Replace Spindle Shaft Bushings (Fixed Front Axle)................924
    Inspect and Replace Spindle Shaft Bushings (Adjustable Front Axle)................925
  Group 10: Wheels................915
    Remove and Install Front or Rear Wheels................928
    Inspect and Replace Front Wheel Bearings................931
    Inspect and Replace Front Wheel Bearings................931
    Tighten Bolts—Rear Axle (M-16 Stud)................933
    Replace SMV Emblem................934
  Group 15: 3-Point Hitch................915
    Inspect and Repair Fixed Draft Links................937
    Inspect and Repair Adjustable Lift Link................939
    Inspect and Repair Fixed Lift Link................941
    Inspect and Repair Center Link................942
    Remove and Install Wagon Hitch and Support................943
  Group 20: Front Bumper................915
    Replace Front Bumper................948
Section 90: Operator Station Repair................951
  Group 05: Seat and Support................951
    Remove and Install Seat and Support................954
  Group 10: Operator Platform................951
    Remove and Install Right-Side Platform................958
    Remove and Install Left-Hand Side Platform and Step................963
    Remove and Install Right-Side Platform (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................965
    Remove and Install Left-Hand Side Platform and Step (Wet Clutch, If Equipped)................970
  Group 15: Fenders................951
    Remove and Install Fenders................974
  Group 20: Hood................951
    Remove, Inspect and Install Hood................980
    Remove and Install Cowl Assembly................984
Section 210: Operational Checkout Procedures................986
  Group 05: Operational Checkout Procedures................986
    Operational Checkout Procedure Information................989
    Engine Oil Level and Condition Check................990
    Isolated Chamber and Condition Check................991
    Coolant Level and Condition Check................992
    Transmission and Hydraulic Oil Check (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................993
    Transmission and Hydraulic Oil Check (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................994
    Fan and Belt Check (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................995
    Fan and Belt Check (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................996
    Fuel System Check (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................997
    Fuel System Check (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................998
    Air Intake System Check (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................999
    Air Intake System Check (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1000
    Electrical System Check (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1001
    Electrical System Check (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1003
    Hydraulic System Check (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1005
    Hydraulic System Check (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1006
    Indicator Lamps Check................1007
    Engine Start Check (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1008
    Engine Start Check (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1009
    Transmission Neutral Start Check................1010
    Engine Fast and Slow Idle Operation (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1011
    Engine Fast and Slow Idle Operation (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1012
    Power Steering Check (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1013
    Power Steering Check (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1014
    Clutch Check (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1015
    Clutch Check (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1016
    Speed Lever Shift Check................1017
    Range Lever Shift Check................1018
    Brake Check................1020
    Rockshaft Check (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1021
    Rockshaft Check (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1023
    Miscellaneous Checks (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1025
    Miscellaneous Checks (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1026
Section 220: Engine Operation, Tests and Adjustments................1027
  Group 10: Component Location................1027
    Component Location Information................1511
    Engine External Components—Left-Hand Side................1031
    Engine External Components—Right-Hand Side................1032
  Group 15: Theory of Operation................1027
    Theory of Operation Information................1516
    Engine Lubrication System Operation................1035
    Engine Cooling System Operation................1039
  Group 20: Diagnosis, Tests and Adjustments................1027
    Special Tools................1043
    Diagnostic Information................1534
    Engine Turns Over But Will Not Start or Starts Hard (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1045
    Engine Turns Over But Will Not Start or Starts Hard (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1046
    Engine Runs Irregularly or Stalls Frequently (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1047
    Engine Runs Irregularly or Stalls Frequently (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1048
    Engine Runs Rough (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1049
    Engine Runs Rough (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1050
    Engine Low Power (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1051
    Engine Low Power (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1053
    Engine Smokes—Black or Grey (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1055
    Engine Smokes—Black or Grey (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1056
    Engine Smokes Excessively—White (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1057
    Engine Smokes Excessively—White (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1058
    Engine Uses Excess Fuel (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1059
    Engine Uses Excess Fuel (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1060
    Engine Has Excess Noise or Vibration (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1061
    Engine Has Excess Noise or Vibration (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1062
    Engine Uses Excess Oil or Smokes Blue (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1063
    Engine Uses Excess Oil or Smokes Blue (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1064
    Engine Has Low Oil Pressure (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1065
    Engine Has Low Oil Pressure (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1066
    Engine Coolant Operating Temperature Incorrect (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1067
    Engine Coolant Operating Temperature Incorrect (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1069
    Oil In Coolant or Coolant in Oil (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1071
    Oil In Coolant or Coolant in Oil ((5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1072
    Radiator Bubble Test................1073
    Cooling System Test................1076
    Radiator Cap Pressure Test................1077
    Engine Oil Pressure Test................1078
    Cylinder Compression Pressure Test................1079
    Throttle Lever Adjustment................1081
    Fuel Injection Pump Setting................1082
    Idle Speed Adjustment................1086
    Valve Clearance Adjustment................1087
    Fan/Alternator Drive Belt Adjustment................1090
    Bleed Fuel System................1092
    Bleed Fuel System At Fuel Injection Nozzles................1093
Section 230: Fuel/Air Operation, Tests and Adjustments................1094
  Group 05: Component Location................1094
    Component Location Information................1511
    Fuel System Components................1097
    Air Intake System Components................1099
  Group 10: Theory of Operation................1094
    Theory of Operation Information................1516
    Fuel System Operation................1102
    Fuel Filter Pump Operation................1104
    Fuel Injection Nozzle Operation................1105
    Fuel Transfer (Feed) Pump Operation................1108
    In-Line Fuel Injection Pump Operation................1110
    Governor Operation (In-Line Pump)................1112
    Air Intake System Operation................1114
  Group 15: Diagnosis, Tests and Adjustments................1094
    Diagnostic Information................1534
    Fuel/Air Diagnosis, Tests and Adjustments................1118
Section 240: Electrical System Operation, Tests Section 240: Electrical System Operation, Tests & Adjustments{pgNO}1119 Adjustments................1119
  Group 05: Component Location................1119
    Component Location Information................1511
    Engine Electrical Components—Right Hand Side................1125
    Engine Electrical Components—Left Hand Side................1126
    Tractor Electrical Components................1127
  Group 10: Theory of Operation................1119
    Theory of Operation Information................1516
    Fuse Block and Fuses................1131
    Starting System Operation................1133
    Charging System Operation................1135
    Lighting System Operation—Turn Signals................1137
    Lighting System Operation—Hazard Warning Lights................1139
    Lighting System Operation—Tail Lights................1141
    Lighting System Operation—Front Position Lights................1143
    Lighting System Operation—Headlights................1145
    Instrument Panel System Operation—Illumination................1147
    Instrument Panel System Operation—Tachometer/Hour Meter................1149
    Instrument Panel System Operation—Temperature Gauge................1151
    Instrument Panel System Operation—Fuel Gauge................1153
    Instrument Panel System Operation—Engine Oil Pressure................1155
    7-Pin Trailer Connector Operation................1157
    Horn Operation................1159
    Mobile Charger Operation................1161
    Brake Operation................1163
    Flood Light Operation................1165
  Group 15: Wiring Schematics................1119
    Schematic Information................1168
    Component Identification Table................1169
    Electrical Schematic................1171
  Group 20: Diagnosis, Test and Adjust................1119
    Diagnostic Information................1534
    Starting System Test Points—Normal Operation................1175
    Charging System Test Points................1180
    Lighting System Test Points—Turn Signals................1186
    Lighting System Test Points—Hazard Warning Lights................1193
    Lighting System Test Points—Tail Lights (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1200
    Lighting System Test Points—Tail Lights (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1205
    Lighting System Test Points—Front Position Lights (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1210
    Lighting System Test Points—Front Position Lights (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1215
    Lighting System Test Points—Head Lights (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1220
    Lighting System Test Points—Head Lights (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1227
    Instrument Panel Test—Illumination (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1234
    Instrument Panel Test—Illumination (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1239
    Instrument Panel Test—Tachometer/Hour Meter (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1244
    Instrument Panel Test—Tachometer/Hour Meter (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1248
    Instrument Panel Test—Temperature Gauge (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1252
    Instrument Panel Test—Temperature Gauge (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1257
    Instrument Panel Test—Fuel Gauge (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1262
    Instrument Panel Test—Fuel Gauge (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1267
    Instrument Panel Test—Engine Oil Pressure Gauge (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1272
    Instrument Panel Test—Engine Oil Pressure Gauge (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1277
    7-Pin Connector Test Points (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1282
    7-Pin Connector Test Points (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1286
    Horn Test Points (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1290
    Horn Test Points (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1295
    Mobile Charger Test Points (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1300
    Mobile Charger Test Points (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1304
    Brake Lights Test Points (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1308
    Brake Lights Test Points (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1313
    Flood Light Test Points (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1318
    Flood Light Test Points (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1323
    Battery Voltage and Specific Gravity Tests................1328
    Charge Battery................1330
    Battery Load Test................1332
    Starter AMP Draw/RPM Test................1334
    Starter No-Load AMP Draw/RPM Test................1336
    Alternator/Regulator Test (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1338
    Alternator/Regulator Test (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1340
    Starter Solenoid Test................1342
    Fuse Test................1343
    Neutral Start Switch Test (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1344
    Neutral Start Switch Test (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1345
    PTO Switch Test................1346
    Turn Signal Controller (Flasher) Test................1348
  Group 25: Component Information—Connectors................1121
    X1—8 Pin Connector for Rear Wiring Harness................1350
    X2—16 Pin Connector for Instrument Cluster................1351
    X3—4 Pin Connector for Hood Harness................1352
    X11—4 Pin Connector for Front Harness................1353
    X12—2 Pin Connector for Maxi Fuse (+40 A)................1121
    X4—4 Pin Connector for Right-Hand Side Fender................1355
    X5—7 Pin Connector for Trailer Connection................1356
    X6—4 Pin Connector for Left-Hand Side Fender................1357
    X7—8 Pin Connector for Front Wiring Harness................1358
    X9—3 Pin Connector for Right-Hand Front Position and Turn Lights................1359
    X10—3 Pin Connector for Left-Hand Front Position and Turn Lights................1360
    XB1 I—1 Pin Connector for Horn................1361
    XB1 II—1 Pin Connector for Horn................1362
    XB2—1 Pin Connector for Coolant Temperature Sender................1363
    XB3—2 Pin Connector for Fuel Level Sender................1364
    XB4—1 Pin Connector for Engine Oil Pressure Sensor................1365
    XE01—2 Pin Connector for Flood Light................1366
    XE02—3 Pin Connector for High/Low Left-Hand Head Light................1367
    XE03—3 Pin Connector for High/Low Right-Hand Head Light................1368
    XF00—12 Pin Connector for Fuse Box................1369
    XG2 I—2 Pin Connector for Alternator................1370
    XG2 II—1 Pin Connector for Alternator................1371
    XG2 III—1 Pin Connector for Alternator................1372
    XGND01—1 Pin Connector for Ground................1373
    XK1—3 Pin Connector for Flasher................1374
    XK1 II—1 Pin Connector for Flasher................1375
    XM1 I—1 Pin Connector for Starter................1376
    XM1 II—1 Pin Connector for Starter................1377
    XM1 III—1 Pin Connector for Starter (Ground)................1378
    XR1 I—1 Pin Connector for Mobile Charger................1379
    XR1 II—1 Pin Connector for Mobile Charger................1380
    XS1 I—1 Pin Connector for Key Switch................1381
    XS1 II—1 Pin Connector for Key Switch................1382
    XS1 III—1 Pin Connector for Key Switch................1383
    XS2—2 Pin Connector for Neutral Start Switch................1384
    XS3 I—1 Pin Connector for Horn Switch................1385
    XS3 II—1 Pin Connector for Horn Switch................1386
    XS5—4 Pin Connector for Light Switch................1387
    XS6 I—1 Pin Connector for Brake................1388
    XS6 II—1 Pin Connector for Brake................1389
    XS7 I—1 Pin Connector for Left-Hand Turn Switch................1390
    XS7 II—1 Pin Connector for Right-Hand Turn Switch................1391
    XS8—2 Pin Connector for PTO Switch................1392
Section 250: Power Train Operation, Tests and Adjustments................1393
  Group 10: Component Location................1393
    Component Location Information................1511
    Power Train Components................1397
    Single Clutch Components................1399
    Wet Clutch Components................1400
    Transmission Components................1401
    Final Drive Components................1403
    Rear PTO Components................1404
  Group 20: Theory of Operation................1393
    Theory of Operation Information................1516
    Single Clutch Operation................1407
    Wet Clutch Operation................1409
    Wet Clutch System Overview................1411
    Transmission Lubrication System (Manual Steering Tractor)................1414
    Transmission Lubrication System (Power Steering Tractor)................1416
    Transmission Lubrication System (Without Rockshaft Tractor)................1418
    Transmission Power Flow—Forward Drive (A Range)................1420
    Transmission Power Flow—Forward Drive (B Range)................1422
    Transmission Power Flow—Reverse Drive................1424
    Rear PTO Operation................1426
    Differential Power Flow................1428
    Final Drive Operation................1430
  Group 25: Diagnosis, Tests and Adjustments................1393
    Diagnostic Information................1534
    Isolate the Problem Area (5036C (-005122), 5041C (-005291))................1434
    Isolate the Problem Area (5036C (005123-), 5041C (005292-))................1436
    Traction Clutch Slips................1438
    Traction Clutch Dragging................1439
    Traction Clutch Does Not Engage................1440
    Traction Clutch Grabs................1441
    Traction Clutch Squeaks................1442
    Traction Clutch Does Not Release................1443
    Traction Clutch Chatters................1444
    Traction Clutch Rattles................1445
    Traction Clutch Engagement Is Noisy................1446
    Excessive Vibration in Traction Clutch................1447
    Clutch Pedal Does Not Return................1448
    Clutch Pedal Loose................1449
    Clutch Pedal Pulsates................1450
    Jerky or Rough Transmission of Power................1451
    Low Transmission Oil Level (Excessive Oil Leakage or Seepage)................1452
    Gears Clash, Shifts Hard, or Will Not Engage................1453
    Transmission Will Not Stay in Gear................1454
    Transmission Noisy................1455
    PTO Noisy................1456
    PTO Hard to Engage................1457
    PTO Will Not Operate................1458
    PTO Will Not Stay Engaged................1459
    Excessive Differential Noise................1460
    Differential Does Not Work................1461
    Differential Chatters................1462
    Axle Noise................1463
    Axle Shaft Will Not Turn................1464
    Clutch Pedal Free Play Adjustment................1465
Section 260: Steering and Brake Operation, Tests Section 260: Steering and Brake Operation, Tests & Adjustments{pgNO}1466 Adjustments................1466
  Group 05: Component Location................1466
    Component Location Information................1511
    Steering System Components (Power Steering)................1469
    Steering System Components (Mechanical Steering)................1471
    Brake System Components................1473
  Group 10: Theory of Operation................1466
    Theory of Operation Information................1516
    Steering System Operation (Power Steering)................1477
    Steering System Operation (Mechanical Steering)................1479
    Steering Valve Operation—Neutral and Manual Turning................1482
    Steering Valve Operation—Power Turning................1484
    Brake System Operation................1486
  Group 15: Diagnosis, Tests and Adjustments................1466
    Diagnostic Information................1534
    Isolate the Problem—Steering System................1492
    Steering Sluggish or Loss of Steering................1493
    Steering Pump Flow Test................1556
    Steering Valve Relief Test................1496
    Steering Cylinder Leakage Test................1497
    Steering Valve Leakage Test................1498
    Steering Wheel Free Play - Adjustment................1500
    Toe-In Check and Adjustment—Standard Axle................1501
    Isolate the Problem—Brakes................1504
    Brake Pedal Adjustment................1505
    Park Brake Lever Adjustment................1507
Section 270: Hydraulic System Operation, Tests Section 270: Hydraulic System Operation, Tests & Adjustments{pgNO}1508 Adjustments................1508
  Group 05: Component Location................1508
    Component Location Information................1511
    Hydraulic System Components—Manual Steering................1512
    Hydraulic System Components—Power Steering................1513
    Hydraulic System Components—Without Rockshaft................1514
  Group 10: Theory of Operation................1508
    Theory of Operation Information................1516
    Hydraulic Filter Operation................1517
    Hydraulic Pump Operation................1519
    Hydraulic System Operation—Manual Steering................1521
    Hydraulic System Operation—Power Steering................1523
    Hydraulic System Operation—Without Rockshaft................1525
    Rockshaft Control Valve Operation—Neutral Phase................1527
    Rockshaft Control Operation—Lift Phase................1529
    Rockshaft Control—Lower Phase................1531
  Group 15: Diagnosis................1508
    Diagnostic Information................1534
    Preliminary Hydraulic System Inspection................1535
    Entire Hydraulic System Fails to Function/No Hydraulic Pump Output................1536
    Insufficient Pump Delivery................1537
    Hydraulic Functions Too Slow................1538
    Excessive Pump Pressure................1539
    Slow Hydraulic Pump Response................1540
    Excessive Pump Noise During Operation................1541
    Rockshaft Jerking in Lift Position................1542
    Rockshaft Does Not Lift or Lifts Slowly................1543
    Rockshaft Does Not Lower or Lowers Slowly................1544
    Rockshaft Lowering Automatically................1545
    Draft Sensing Not Working During Application................1546
    Position or Draft Control Lever too Hard or Loose................1547
    External Hydraulic Connection Not Working................1548
    Tipping Trolley Not Coming Down................1549
    Insufficient Maximum Lift of Implement................1550
    Rockshaft Over Heating................1551
    Lift Capacity Does Not Correspond as Recommended................1552
    Rockshaft too Responsive................1553
  Group 20: Hydraulic Tests................1509
    Hydraulic System Tests................1555
    Pump Flow Test................1556
    Main Relief Valve Test................1558
    Rockshaft Leakage Test................1560
    Rockshaft Lift Cycle Test................1561
  Group 25: Adjustments - HARIG Rockshaft................1509
    Rockshaft Sensing Lever Friction Adjustment................1564
  Group 30: Hydraulic Schematics................1569
    Hydraulic Circuit Symbols................1567
    Hydraulic Schematics................1569
John Deere Tractors 5036C, 5039C, 5041C, 5042C Diagnostics and Repair Service Manual (TM900219)

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