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John Deere 5036C, 5039C, 5041C and 5042C Tractors, Operator's Manuals Operator's Manuals (OMSJ19681 OMSJ299942 OMSJ21199)




US Dollar: $29.00

John Deere 5036C, 5039C, 5041C and 5042C Tractors, Operator's Manuals Operator's Manuals is divided into different sections. Each section covers a specific component or system with detailed illustrations. A table of contents is placed at the beginning of each section. Pages are easily found by category, and each page is expandable for great detail. The printer-ready PDF documents work like a charm on all kinds of devices. This document is printable, without restrictions, contains searchable text, bookmarks, crosslinks for easy navigation.

omsj299942 English - 5036C and 5041C Tractors, Operator’s Manual (India Edition, June 2013) Operator's Manual.pdf
OMSJ19681 English - John Deere 5036C and 5042C Tractors, Operator’s Manual (Export Edition) Operator's Manual.pdf
omsj19683 Portuguese - Tratores 5036C e 5042C, Manual do Operador (Modelo de Exportação).pdf
omsj19685 French - Tracteurs 5036C et 5042C, livret d'entretien (édition export)
omsj19686 Spanish - Tractores 5036C y 5042C - Manual del operador (edición para México)
omsj21199 English - 5036C, 5039C and 5042C Tractors, Operator’sManual (India Edition) Operator's Manual
omsj21198 Hindi - 5036C, 5039C and 5042C Tractors, Operator’s Manual (India Edition, August 2014)
omsj19686 Spanish - Tractores 5036C y 5042C - Manual del operador (edición para México)
omsj19683 Portuguese - Tratores 5036C e 5042C, Manual do Operador (Modelo de Exportação)
omsj19685 French - Tracteurs 5036C et 5042C, livret d'entretien (édition export)
omsj19688 Serbian - Traktori 5036C i 5042C, Priručnik za rukovaoca (verzija za izvoz)
omsj19888 Dutch - Tractoren 5036C en 5042C, gebruikshandleiding (exporteditie)
omsj19682 Arabic - الجرارات 5036C و 5042C، دليل استعمال السائق (نسخة تصدير)

Section 05: Safety................13
  Recognize Safety Information................15
  Understand Signal Words................16
  Follow Safety Instructions................17
  Prepare for Emergencies................18
  Wear Protective Clothing................19
  Protect Against Noise................20
  Handle Fuel Safely—Avoid Fires................224
  Handle Starting Fluid Safely................22
  Fire Prevention................23
  In Case of Fire................24
  Avoid Static Electricity Risk When Refueling................25
  Keep ROPS Installed Properly................349
  Use Foldable ROPS and Seat Belt Properly................78
  Stay Clear of Rotating Drivelines................173
  Use Steps and Handholds Correctly................31
  Read Operator’s Manuals for ISOBUS Controllers................32
  Use Seat Belt Properly................33
  Operating the Tractor Safely................34
  Avoid Backover Accidents................36
  Limited Use in Forestry Operation................37
  Operating the Loader Tractor Safely................38
  Keep Riders Off Machine................39
  Instructional Seat................40
  Use Safety Lights and Devices................216
  Transport Towed Equipment at Safe Speeds................42
  Use Caution On Slopes and Uneven Terrain................44
  Freeing a Mired Machine................45
  Avoid Contact with Agricultural Chemicals................46
  Handle Agricultural Chemicals Safely................47
  Handling Batteries Safely................49
  Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines................51
  Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating................52
  Handle Electronic Components and Brackets Safely................53
  Practice Safe Maintenance................54
  Avoid Hot Exhaust................55
  Clean Exhaust Filter Safely................56
  Work In Ventilated Area................305
  Support Machine Properly................60
  Prevent Machine Runaway................61
  Park Machine Safely................62
  Transport Tractor Safely................63
  Service Cooling System Safely................64
  Service Accumulator Systems Safely................65
  Service Tires Safely................196
  Service Front-Wheel Drive Tractor Safely................67
  Tightening Wheel Retaining Bolts/Nuts................68
  Avoid High-Pressure Fluids................69
  Do Not Open High-Pressure Fuel System................70
  Store Attachments Safely................71
  Decommissioning — Proper Recycling and Disposal of Fluids and Components................72
Section 10: Safety Signs................73
  Pictorial Safety Signs................74
  Warning Decal - Read Operator’s Manual................75
  Use Foldable ROPS and Seat Belt Properly................78
  ROPS in Normal Position................80
Section 15: Controls and Instruments................82
  Tractor Controls................83
  Instrument Panel................86
Section 20: Lights................87
  Light Switch Positions................88
  Use Headlights................89
  Use High Beam Indicator................90
  Use Tail Lights................91
  Use Turn Signals................92
  Use Hazard Lights................94
  Use Flood Lamp................95
  Seven-Terminal Outlet (JD Asia)................96
  Seven-Terminal Outlet (Export - ISO Type)................98
  Seven-Terminal Outlet (Export - SAE Type)................100
Section 25: Operator's Platform................102
  Select Seat Position................103
  Adjust Ride Comfort................104
  Operate PTO Lever................105
  Operate Park Brake Lever................106
  Operate Foldable ROPS................107
Section 35: Break-In Period................109
  Observe Engine Operation Closely................110
  Break-In Service................243
Section 40: Prestarting Checks................112
  Service Daily Before Start-Up................113
Section 45: Operate the Engine................116
  Before Starting the Engine................117
  Start the Engine................119
  Check Instruments After Starting................121
  Oil Pressure Indicator................122
  Charge System Indicator................123
  Air Restriction Sensor................124
  Coolant Temperature Gauge................125
  Watch Fuel Level................126
  Change Engine Speeds................127
  Warm Up the Engine................128
  Restart Stalled Engine................129
  Avoid Idling the Engine................130
  Observe Engine Work and Idle Speeds................131
  Working With Speed/Hour Meter................132
  Stop the Engine................133
  Use Booster Battery................134
Section 50: Driving the Tractor................136
  Reduce Fuel Consumption................137
  Operator Training Required................141
  Driving on Public Roads................142
  Operate Transmission................145
  Shifting Transmission................146
  Select a Gear................147
  Use Brakes................148
  Stopping Tractor................149
Section 55: Rockshaft and 3-Point Hitch................151
  Match Tractor Power to Implement................152
  3-Point Hitch Components................153
  Rockshaft Control Levers................154
  Set Position Control Lever Stop................155
  Use Position Control................156
  Use Draft Control................158
  Adjust Rockshaft Rate-of-Drop/ Implement Lock................160
  Attach Tipping Trailer................161
  Prepare Implement................162
  Position Center Link................163
  Attach Implements to 3-Point Hitch................164
  Leveling the Hitch................167
  Adjust Control Lever Friction................169
  Warm Hydraulic System Oil................170
Section 65: Drawbar and PTO................171
  Observe Drawbar Load Limitations................172
  Stay Clear of Rotating Drivelines................173
  Attach PTO-Driven Implement................174
  Operate Tractor PTO................175
Section 70: Ballast................177
  Plan for Maximum Productivity................178
  Use Proper Ballast................179
  Select Ballast Carefully................180
  Match Ballast to Load Work................181
  Check for Correct Ballast................182
  Measure Wheel Slip—Manually................183
  Ballast Limitations................185
  Ballast Front End for Transport................186
  Ballast Tractor................187
  Determine Maximum Rear Ballast................188
  Determine Maximum Front Ballast................189
  Use Cast Iron Weights................190
  Install Rear Cast Iron Weights................191
  Use Liquid Weight................192
  Use Implement Codes................194
Section 75: Wheels, Tires and Treads................195
  Service Tires Safely................196
  Check Implement-to-Tire Clearance................197
  Check Tire Inflation Pressure................198
  Tire Inflation Pressure Chart................199
  Tighten Wheel/Axle Hardware Correctly................200
  Tighten Bolts— Front Axle................201
  Tighten Bolt Adjustable Front Axle (If Equipped)................202
  Tighten Bolts—Rear Axle (M-16 Stud)................203
  Observe Rear Wheel Tread Width Limitations................204
  Tread Settings—Multi-Position Rear Wheels................205
  Tread Settings—Adjustable Front Axle––If Equipped................207
  Check Toe-In................209
  Adjust Toe-In................211
  Adjust Toe-In - Adjustable Front Axle (IF Equipped)................212
  Adjustable Front Axle Track Width Settings (If Equipped)................213
Section 80: Transporting................215
  Use Safety Lights and Devices................216
  Driving Tractor on Roads................217
  Transport on Carrier................221
  Tow Tractor................222
Section 85: Fuels, Lubricants and Coolant................223
  Handle Fuel Safely—Avoid Fires................224
  Handle Fluids Safely—Avoid Fires................225
  Fuel Storage................226
  Diesel Fuel................227
  Diesel Fuel Filters................229
  Fill Fuel Tank................230
  Lubricant Storage................231
  Diesel Engine Oil — Tier 2 and Stage II................232
  Diesel Engine Break-In Oil — Non-Emissions Certified and Certified Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, Stage I, Stage II, and Stage III................234
  Diesel Engine Coolant (engine with wet sleeve cylinder liners)................236
  Use Correct Transmission-Hydraulic Filter Element................238
  Transmission and Hydraulic Oil................239
Section 90: Service and Maintenance................241
  Observe Service Intervals................244
  Break-In Service................243
  Service Intervals................244
Section 95: Service—Every 10 Hours................247
  Check Engine Oil Level................248
  Check Coolant Level................249
  Drain Water and Sediment From Fuel Filter................251
  Lubricate as Necessary................252
Section 100: Service—Every 50 Hours................253
  Check Transmission-Hydraulic System Oil Level................254
  Clean and Check Battery................255
  Lubricate Front Axle Pivot Pin................256
  Lubricate Steering Spindles................257
  Lubricate Clutch Pedal and Brake Pedal................258
  Inspect Tires and Loose Hardwares................259
Section 110: Service—Every 250 Hours................261
  Change Engine Oil and Filter................262
  Service Air Cleaner................297
  Inspect and Adjust Alternator/Fan Belt................264
  Lubricate 3-Point Hitch................265
  Check Neutral Start System................266
  Check and Adjust Clutch Pedal Free Play................267
  Check and Adjust Brake Pedal Free Play................268
  Inspect Drawbar Support................270
Section 112: Service—Every 500 Hours................271
  Replace Transmission-Hydraulic Filter................272
  Check Hoses and Hose Clamps for Tightness................273
  Check Front Axle Pivot Pin................275
Section 113: Service—Every 750 Hours................276
  Test or Replace Engine Coolant Thermostats................277
Section 115: Service—Every 1000 Hours................278
  Clean Engine Crankcase Vent Tube................279
  Clean and Repack Front Wheel Bearings................280
  Lubricate Rear Axle Bearings................282
  Check Engine Idle Speeds................283
Section 121: Service—Every 2000 Hours................284
  Change Transmission-Hydraulic Oil and Filter................285
  Clean Reservoir Screen................286
Section 125: Service—Annually................287
  Replace Air Cleaner Elements (Primary)................288
Section 130: Service—2 Years................290
  Flush Cooling System................291
  Replace Air Cleaner Elements (Secondary)................294
Section 135: Service—As Required................296
  Service Air Cleaner................297
  Adjust Throttle Friction................298
Section 140: Service................299
  Additional Service Information................301
  Service Tractor Safely................302
  Engine Break-In Oil................304
  Work In Ventilated Area................305
  Use High-Pressure Washers................306
  Open Hood................307
  Remove Hood................308
  Air Intake System Components................309
  Service Air Cleaner at Regular Intervals................310
  Check Air Intake System................311
  Remove Primary Air Cleaner Element................312
  Clean Primary Element................313
  Wash Primary Element................314
  Inspect Element................315
  Store Element................316
  Replace Alternator/Fan Belt................317
  Fuel System Components................318
  Do Not Modify Fuel System................319
  Bleed Fuel System................320
  Bleed Fuel System At Fuel Injection Nozzles................321
  Engine Cooling System................322
  Clean Grille, Screens and Radiator................324
  Prevent Battery Explosions................326
  Observe Electrical Service Precautions................327
  Battery Access................328
  Remove Battery................329
  Check Battery Condition................330
  Service Battery................331
  Charge Battery................334
  Battery Replacement Specifications................335
  Connect Starter Wiring................336
  Connect Alternator Wiring................337
  Locate Fusible Link................338
  Locate Fuses................339
  Aim Headlights................340
  Adjust Headlights................343
  Replace Headlight Bulb................344
  Replace Tail Light and Warning Light Bulbs................346
  Replace Flood Lamp Bulb................347
  Check Tires................348
  Keep ROPS Installed Properly................349
Section 145: Troubleshooting................352
  Engine Troubleshooting................353
  Transmission Troubleshooting................358
  Hydraulic System Troubleshooting................359
  Brakes Troubleshooting................360
  Rockshaft and 3-Point Hitch Troubleshooting................361
  Electrical System Troubleshooting................363
Section 150: Tractor Storage................366
  Tractor Storage................366
  Remove Tractor From Storage................370
Section 155: Specifications................371
  John Deere 5036C Tractor................372
  John Deere 5042C Tractor................374
  Ground Speed at Rated Engine Speed (2100 rpm)................376
  Metric Bolt and Screw Torque Values................377
  Unified Inch Bolt and Screw Torque Values................379
Section 160: Identification Numbers................382
  Identification Plates................383
  Record Product Identification Number................384
  Record Front Axle Serial Number................385
  Record Engine Serial Number................386
  Record Transmission Serial Number................387
  Record ROPS Serial Number................388
Section 165: Lubrication Maintenance Record Charts................389
  50, 250 Hour Service Chart................390
  500, 750, 1000 Hour Service Chart................392
  Annual Service Chart................394
  2000 Hour Service Chart................395
  As Required Service Chart................396
Section 170: John Deere Service................397
  John Deere Parts................398
  The Right Tools................399
  Well Trained Technician................400
  Prompt Service................401
John Deere 5036C, 5039C, 5041C and 5042C Tractors, Operator's Manuals Operator's Manuals (OMSJ19681 OMSJ299942 OMSJ21199)

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